Is there a UL-approved part for bypassing an old meter socket?

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Brooklyn NY

I'm involved with a project in an 80-unit apartment complex where they are going from utility-direct metering to utility-master metering, with a private submeter. The previously existing utility direct meters are inline 5-jaw meters. The new private submeters are in theory going to be CT meters. When the utility comes to pop their old inline meters out, I'm going to have a problem - no more current flowing to the apartments. Do I have to install new conduits, jumpers, and so forth to bridge these meter sockets? Or is there a part that just pops in and replaces the old meter with a simple pair of copper bridges? (If it had a dead-front cover that'd be pretty nice too).

Thanks for any advice!


I'm involved with a project in an 80-unit apartment complex where they are going from utility-direct metering to utility-master metering, with a private submeter. The previously existing utility direct meters are inline 5-jaw meters. The new private submeters are in theory going to be CT meters. When the utility comes to pop their old inline meters out, I'm going to have a problem - no more current flowing to the apartments. Do I have to install new conduits, jumpers, and so forth to bridge these meter sockets? Or is there a part that just pops in and replaces the old meter with a simple pair of copper bridges? (If it had a dead-front cover that'd be pretty nice too).

Thanks for any advice!


I've seen many conversions done this way. Blade type jumpers and dead fronts are available for this. Now as to the "listing" of such, not sure if you can find that as this stuff is usually done by the POCO. You'll have to check with your AHJ to see if this is OK I think.

I'm involved with a project in an 80-unit apartment complex where they are going from utility-direct metering to utility-master metering, with a private submeter. The previously existing utility direct meters are inline 5-jaw meters. The new private submeters are in theory going to be CT meters. When the utility comes to pop their old inline meters out, I'm going to have a problem - no more current flowing to the apartments. Do I have to install new conduits, jumpers, and so forth to bridge these meter sockets? Or is there a part that just pops in and replaces the old meter with a simple pair of copper bridges? (If it had a dead-front cover that'd be pretty nice too).

Thanks for any advice!

There are some jumper bars available for some meter sockets. (Google "electric meter jumper bars") If you find 'em for your model, the same site will usually have the matching cover.
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