Broken Conduit Repair

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I have seen in advertisements about split ( 2 halves) conduit to do repairs with. Does anybody know where I can purchase some and does it work. Like a dummy I got to close to my service conduit running up my ouside wall and broke it...................hate it when that happens.:-?

THX Dave


Senior Member


Senior Member
Eastern Oregon
I wished somebody in town carried these. Everytime a conduit gets hit, I need buttsplices, shrinktube, and 3 exp. fittings to get it back together.:roll: Of course this is on the long runs where it's not practical to pull the wire out. I suppose if they only hit the conduit and not the wire in it(hasn't happened yet!) I could rip a scrap pipe lengthwise and hose clamp it over the break...
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Senior Member
I wished somebody in town carried these. Everytime a conduit gets hit, I need buttsplices, shrinktube, and 3 exp. fittings to get it back together.:roll: Of course this is on the long runs where it's not practical to pull the wire out. I suppose if they only hit the conduit and not the wire in it(hasn't happened yet!) I could rip a scrap pipe lengthwise and hose clamp it over the break...

You're kidding, right?!?!?!!?


Staff member

I'm not going to make a farmer replace 4-#2's 900' long just because 2' gets damaged.:roll:

Just so everyone is clear here ........... it is a code violation to install splices in any raceway regardless of the length or expense.


Senior Member
Just so everyone is clear here ........... it is a code violation to install splices in any raceway regardless of the length or expense.

You're preaching to the choir.

Except for that altar boy over there that doesn't like repulling cables.

And 300.13(A) is your reference.
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Senior Member
Eastern Oregon
Except for that altar boy over there that doesn't like repulling cables.

And 300.13(A) is your reference.

I'm impressed, it only took you two responses to start the name calling.

I'm aware it's a code violation and I would never splice on a new install. Unlike some folks who are letter of the law, I'm not going to apologize when I take a more common sense approach to the NEC. Forcing a guy to spend several thousand dollars to replace this just because the NEC says so, doesn't work for me. If this had been direct burial, I could splice it all day long. Throw it in a conduit for more protection and I can't splice it!


Senior Member
new york
Double box it up to two ground boxes and splice in the boxes. Just like a cable cut in an attic by a sawzall crazy carpenter. Few hundred and code compliant.


Senior Member
I'm not going to make a farmer replace 4-#2's 900' long just because 2' gets damaged

Like quo said.

Four 90's, maybe a little pipe, two JB's and some proper connectors.

It's not any more difficult to do it properly.


Senior Member
Uh....well....Im with cow....there is a TIME AND PLACE to bend the rules and get it fixed. This is where different "niches" come in......the #2's in question may be to a irrigation pump, or well house or who knows what out in the MIDDLE OF A am a EC and farmer......I can GARANTEE you what would happen with quazite boxes at grade in a field, barnyard, ect.....the burried splice would be the least of your worries.....because I GARANTEE you that the quazite box would stand a 90% of being DEYSTROYED. KABOOM. ELKABONG. BOOMSHAKALAKA.....:wink:

Dont get me wrong, I am not codoning illegal repairs....but like I said, there is a time and place. Electrical work on farms is not typical electrical work, as you almost need to be or have been a farmer to be "qualified" to run such the bashing begin....:grin:


Senior Member
Eastern Oregon
It's not any more difficult to do it properly.

Wait...just so I'm clear, I'm getting lectured about this from the same guy who uses one single large pop-in bushing to chase all his romex into the panel with?

Main Entry: hyp?o?crite
Pronunciation: \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
Function: noun
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Jacksonburg, it so happens that this particular repair was made in the middle of a large cattlepen. Not practical for ground boxes and I definitely wasn't going to bring it out of the ground into j-boxes the farmer would have had to build a protective fence around.


Senior Member
I'm getting lectured about this from the same guy who uses one single large pop-in bushing to chase all his romex into the panel with?

A farmer should know the difference between apples and oranges.:wink:


Senior Member
Boston, MA
I'm not going to apologize when I take a more common sense approach to the NEC.

I don't think what you did is a big deal but at least be honest about it. It is not a common sense approach to the NEC. It is a blatant violation of the NEC.

I don't know why you are getting all wound up about this. If you don't want to be called out on something you might want to think about not telling everybody about it. :smile:


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
Cow, as an inspector I would write you up in a heart beat, but as you can see by my user name I would probably do the same thing as you did for the same reasons.:grin:

But don't tell anyone I said that, I don't want them getting on me too.:roll:
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