difference in potential

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Senior Member
United States


IMO, we know different ways of creating a potential difference but I don't think anyone actually knows for sure what it is. I can't recall all the ways but a few are magnatism, heat, light, pressure etc. All of these put a force (what ever that force is) on the atom and dislodge the outer orbit electrons to cause what we call current flow.


Senior Member
First, think of the potential energy that is related to the elevation of an object with mass. Electrical potential has characteristics similar to gravitational potential energy.

In the gravitational case, we consider the work done to change the height of an object with mass.

In the electrical case, the difference in electric potential is the quantity of work done per unit charge.

It is probably easiest to think of it as the difference in electric charge.
Most common is magnetic lines of force cutting windings in a generator, or vise versa, windings cutting magnetic lines of force, depending on the design of the generator. Don


Senior Member
Well everything on this good earth has a charge if it has atoms .

Potential is the amount of electrons that can build up on a object or between objects can be produced by chemical reaction or generated by a generator as stated cutting magnetic lines of force thur a conductor basically to a higher level of potential or voltage between to opposite points .

A static charge between two points lightning .

You really need to read about the electron theory the atom negative electrons - positive protons the nucleus valance shells how it works .

Did you know if you take a flame under a wire you can have a electron flow in a conductor that will produce a voltage in micro volts .

Just find a good book on basic electric and they will give you the best answer to your question.


Senior Member
What happens in electrical theory to set up a difference in potential ?

As Don has said magnetic lines of force cutting conductors or vice versa.
e = kBlv
e is the generated PD in volts, B is the magnetic flux and v is the velocity of the the conductor in that magnetic field.

It's a simple but pretty handy way of describing unified machine theory.


I was thinking of AC, but on second thought, batteries may be just as common these days, (or more so). They use a chemical reaction to produce a dc potential difference. Don
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