WAC 296-46B-220 Administrators Test

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Senior Member
I'm taking this thing tommorow and I was checking out 296-46B-220. Was wondering where I could find the table and footnotes it references. Also was wondering if the calcs section is going to expect me to apply this or if it is going to be straight NEC? Thanks for the help!


Senior Member
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) It's Washingtons addendum to the code and the WA administrative rules about licensing, permits and what not. There's also the RCW(Revised Code of WA). Seems to be some overlap between the two documents. More stuff to pay attention to. In some cases the WAC codes are benificial to customers and electricians. Such as limiting ARC fault requirements to bedrooms and letting us run unfused service conductors 15' into a building.

tom baker

First Chief Moderator
Staff member
220 003 refers to the Washington State Energy Code. A web search is all I can recommend. But you can't take a document printed from the internet with you to the test that would have a web address on it. A PDF should be safe.

I bet you don't get a question on the energy code as its more important to know how to do a straight load calc given a lighting load. All the energy code does lower the watts per sq ft.

By the way, effective Mar 1, the test format will change and each test will be random from thousands of questions in the test bank. Currently there are 5 exams


Senior Member
Thanks for the heads up Tom. I won't worry about the energy code referenced in the WAC. Seems odd to refer to it but not have the table and applicable codes there. Interesting about how the test is going to change up this next year. Hopefully I'll only have to take it once.
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