Harbor Freight getting into the electric distribution business

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Senior Member
Northern illinois
I got a catalog from HF the other day. They are advertising a CH 200 A manual transfer switch (DT224URK-NPS) for $359.

They also show a 100A CH manual transfer switch on their website, but it was not on sale in the catalog they sent me.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
The quality of HF stuff has taken a dramatic turn for the better the last 10 years or so. Most of their hand tools are close to the quality of the store brands at the big box stores, but the price point is very attractive by comparison. They have even started carrying some name brand stuff.

I am still not real thrilled with their power tools (although the quality there seems dramatically improved of late as well), but their air tools and hand tools seem pretty darn good, at least for what I am using them for.

It just seems like an odd place to go buy a transfer switch from. But I guess they are selling generators so why not be a one stop shopping place?


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
I think that sometimes when they have stuff like that, maybe it was a one time bargin price that their buyers found, but then like you said, if they sell the generators.

If you buy the Chicago power tools, they leave much to be desired, but it depends on what you're doing with it, but they carry some of the name brand power tools too.

I've had to learn that if I go in there I just get what I need and leave.:grin:


Senior Member
Northern illinois
I have a fair number of hand tools and some air tools from HF that I am quite happy with.

Their power tools don't impress me all that much so I have never bought any of their power tools, although I have been tempted of late, especially by this little number.


Part of it is that I have most of the power tools I actually use so the need to buy anything along those lines is pretty limited.


Senior Member
Perry, Ohio
I know some people that use their power tools and the first thing they do is install a good set of brushes in them and have very fey problems with them. The biggest prob is the brushes are a very soft material and wear fast. The hand tools I preffer over craftsman any more and they all have a lifetime warranty just return to the store and get a new one


Senior Member
Stratford, CT
I have a fair number of hand tools and some air tools from HF that I am quite happy with.

Their power tools don't impress me all that much so I have never bought any of their power tools, although I have been tempted of late, especially by this little number.


Part of it is that I have most of the power tools I actually use so the need to buy anything along those lines is pretty limited.

Spend the $99 and buy the Dremel MultiMax. Easy to get different blades for it and it has worked great for me and many projects.



Senior Member
central nc
I go there to buy stuff for the house. Just usually odds and ends type small tools. But last year I picked up a power threader for a job we had and we used it (3/4" and 1") for over a month and it worked fine. It still works. I dont know if i trust it to thread the 2" it has the die for but for the $800 or so I saved it was definetly worth it.


Senior Member
I recently bought a HF gear reduced low-speed, high torque drill. It seems pretty solid and has a lot of power. For $35 on sale plus an extended no-questions-asked warranty, if it gets me through a half a year of jobs, it's more than paid for it's self.
Also, with how things get beat up on construction sites (and sometimes disappear). Buying these tools can be a more conservative investment.

I said all of that, but I will also say that I was pretty particular when I bought my Hilti Hammer drill.


Senior Member
Durham, NC
Facility Maintenance Tech. Licensed Electrician
I have one of these and I love it. Cutting fragile material is much easier and neater. I still tape surface and cut carefully. Minimizes splintering to nearly 0.
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