return to the forum

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Several weeks ago I requested to have my account here closed it was not a decision that was made lightly.I found muself at a place ion my life I have never been before.Things in both my personal and business life seemed to be spinning out of control I began to find it difficult to control my emotions I would have severe mood swings and would often find myself falling into deep depressions for days. I began to simply loose interest in the things that I enjoyed most in life I was at the point of having thoughts of ending my life.

I t took some convincing but I finally listened to my wife and went to my doctor it was not an easy conversation but one I am glad I had.I found out I am not alone and that millions of people suffer from mental disorders like deppression . The good news is their is help my doctor started me on anti depressants and set me up with a counselor.

Today I feel alot more like the old me I still have little ups and downs but not the severe swings.I think the reason it took so long for me to seek help is the stigms of being diagnosed with a mental disorder.Posting here today is a big step for me and it feels good . thanks for the listen looking forward to be a participant in life.



Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
I'm sure many others share in my saying we are glad to have you return.
Your ability to overcome an affliction that many of us have at one time or another is an inspiration to us all.
Now, jump in there and help us solve these pesky Code problems :)


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio
Welcome back!

That wasn't easy, I know, but sometimes is one of the greatest steps we can take. It is worth the effort! A little help can go a long way.


Senior Member
Thanks for coming back. I know it took a lot of work and courage to do so. Lots of times in life we're on a pretty even keel and we think we can sail this boat alone. It's when the storms come that we realize that maybe we need a crew to get us through. It's those times and how we deal with them that separate the courageous and strong from the delusional.


Senior Member
Retired after 40 years as an electrician.
Welcome back:) ! To have the wherewithall to listen to good counsel, says volumes about you....Great move! Hope all is well with you.


Senior Member


Congratulations rewire,

You have completed step #1 on your road to a full recovery.

Recovery is ultimately up to you though. Make sure to take all advice including the advice from your doctor with a grain of salt and research everything that he tells you. Bring a recording device in there with you so that you can do follow up research. Most doctors are for paid doing expensive tests on you, not for positive results.

Try vitamins D, B, Multi, Fish Oil, and get sunshine daily. Start exercising daily, especially cardiovascular exercise. Tell us how your exercise program is working out please.


Senior Member
Welcome back Dan

It was difficult watching you post in the past and fighting the good advice the others were posting.

When I was growing up I was told to "buck up" grab the bull by the horns
And get on with it.

I am slowly starting to understand maybe these suggestions were just a cover up for parents not understanding the issues of the day.

We live in a whole different world than our parents of 40 years ago.

My GF who has many years of dealing with mental health issues has even suggested that I may benefit from some help.
Day at a time

Day at a time


Welcome back to the forum.

As you know, you are not alone.

About 12 years ago my life was a complete mess and I was basically paralyzed with "depression" (I put it with quotes because I didn't see a doctor so my mental state never had a name put to it). No matter what I did or didn't do, I couldn't seem to get myself out of my own head, if you can understand that. I found (for me) a key to not being depressed was to stay the heck out of my own brain. The easiest way I've found to do that has been to think of others and to do for others..... gets me out of myself. It's easier said than done.

I spent my whole life thinking of myself and trying to create my own happiness and I was miserable.
Nowadays I just try to be useful to the people around me....and, strangely enough, I'm pretty happy!!

Keep putting one foot in front of the other, one day after the next. Best of luck. I have never been and am not presently affilliated with any religion, but I do believe there is a "spirit of the universe" or some such thing out there (I call it God cause it keeps it simple) that I rely on. If you have a faith, use it my friend. God Bless you and yours.



Senior Member
Yo! Welcome back from the dark side!

Yo! Welcome back from the dark side!

Been there, done that, got the tee shirt!

Remember you only have so many Saturdays, and they are precious. If you are not happy for a week you have an obligation to correct that. You have permission to do what you need to do to make yourself happy. Get out there and make it so.
Mike Holt said in one of his seminars as an argument against someone wanting something. "because it doesn't make me happy." and "you don't want me to be happy? " That puts in perspective where others stand on your happiness real fast. Life is too short not to be happy about it.
The formula for Saturdays is (52 x 72) - (52 x age) thats what on average you have left. Enjoy and everything after that is a bonus! guaranteed!

Welcome back. Get out there and celebrate!



Senior Member
Welcome back! Just so you know, you are not alone in what you are experiencing. I can only speak for myself, but I have gone through the same thing, mood swings, severe depression (mainly depression) and loss of interest in life. It is good that you sought out help, it can save your life. Also, you have friends here that will listen, even if you have to keep reaching out, you will find someone to talk to. Anyhow, welcome back brother.


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
Welcome back, Kotter! :)

I remember the words my mom told me when I was little and it seemed the world was hell-bent on picking on me and making me unhappy:

"They're just unhappy with themselves, and they pick on you to try to make themselves feel better."

Years later, I realized what a bunch of hogwash that was. My advice to my son was to give it right back to them. Learn how to banter. Don't give them the power to control your feelings.

So, my advice here is to get tough and stomp on the bullies. Don't get mad, get even. :grin:

We're happy to have you back.


Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Good luck and good going for seeking help for your self.
Now if they will just give you your post count back every thing will be wonderfull:D
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