AllTest Pro

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New Orleans, LA
Our I/E supervisors suggest using an "AllTest Pro" diagnostic tool on all motors we encounter during routine or breakdown maintenance. I've read the instruction manual for this tool and understand nearly all of its functions/documentation, but have been unable to find an explanation of one of the test criteria.

What exactly does a single I/f measurement indicate on a 3 phase motor? I can see the value in trending certain motors with changes in this number, but what does a discreet number reveal; i.e. what is a normally accepted value and what should trigger concern?

I had never worked with this tool prior to use in my current position, and have no base of experience with it. Has anyone else encountered this tool, and can anyone speak to the merits of its use?

What model is your "All Test Pro"? 31 or 2000 or some other?

In any case, a trending tool used during opportunities that you might never have otherwise will only help if you record the data in some form of database and refer to it to identify trends. Snapshot of first-time data can be misleading but you must start somewhere. With no regularly scheduled PdM route established, catch as you can is better than nothing assuming you recognize the inherent limitations.

Regular inspections at frequent intervals yield the best results. Optimum inspection frequency depends upon the technology and failure modes being sought.
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