Generator interlock kits

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They're great IMO.

They have been discussed a number of times here.

SQ D and Seimens make their own versions

They are great. I've used a bunch of them.

The Siemens/Murray version are even better. They just snap on. But for a retrofit application the interlock kit is the way to go.

I'd use them in my own house but it's way easier to backfeed a dryer receptacle. ;)
I think they are a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I'm like John, can you explain your reason please.

If your worried about someone deliberatly defeating the designed operation of the product, it would be the same as defeating any products design.

Of course, there is always the double ended male dryer cord, AKA widow maker. :D

Also, would you guys feel comfortable using a 10/3 romex to feed the outside power inlet box? My only concern is having the customer try to run all kinds of loads and the 10/3 will not be sized correctly. I suppose if I use a 30a breaker it would eliminate this overload concern anyway.
While they are functional and meet the intent of the code, are they listed as "transfer equipment", or does the combination of breakers and the interlock kit become "transfer equipment" when you assemble the pieces. 702.4, 702.6
Also, would you guys feel comfortable using a 10/3 romex to feed the outside power inlet box? My only concern is having the customer try to run all kinds of loads and the 10/3 will not be sized correctly. I suppose if I use a 30a breaker it would eliminate this overload concern anyway.

What size generator are you talking about?
The customer doesnt have one yet, they plan to have the install done and then before the winter months will purchase one.

I sized up their needs to be around 4000w, and recommended a 6-7000w unit for a buffer since they have a well pump and a furnace which would potentially draw a fair amount at startup.
I'm like John, can you explain your reason please.

If your worried about someone deliberatly defeating the designed operation of the product, it would be the same as defeating any products design.

Of course, there is always the double ended male dryer cord, AKA widow maker. :D


Removing the panel cover defeats the interlock,I see this as a design flaw that could be the basis for a wrongful death suit. Everyone knows coffee is served hot but look what it cost Mc Ds.People will use these devices until someone gets killed an a large settlement is awarded I just don't want to be the "one".

I think a fix to this would be to design the lock to cover a panel screw while in generator mode so the panel could not be removed
Removing the panel cover defeats the interlock,I see this as a design flaw that could be the basis for a wrongful death suit. Everyone knows coffee is served hot but look what it cost Mc Ds.People will use these devices until someone gets killed an a large settlement is awarded I just don't want to be the "one".

I think a fix to this would be to design the lock to cover a panel screw while in generator mode so the panel could not be removed

And McDonald's not only still serves hot coffee, but hot chocolate as well now.

Tamper-resistant screws would be a good option when installing one of these critters.
The panel cover shouldnt be off while energized anyway, theres your defense. If they take the cover off, its on them.
The panel cover shouldnt be off while energized anyway, theres your defense. If they take the cover off, its on them.

A second year law student could rip that to shreads,coffee is hot and should not be held in the lap while driving...Mc Donalds still payed and they had a team of lawyers.
Removing the panel cover defeats the interlock,

And tyeing a lawn mowers safety handle down would defeat it's purpose.

Defeating a safety device can be done to anything, a live panel is supposed to have it's cover on, if someone removed the cover the interlock device is not in place.

Lawsuits are going to happen period.

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