Hubbell switches

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We wire 1000-2000 houses a year. Last year we started using Hubbell's residential line of plugs and switches. We used them for about 3 months, installed them in over 400 houses. We had to stop using them because of an abnormally high failure rate.

Homeowners report switches that sizzle, crackle, make other noises, or simply stopped working. Has anybody else had this kind of problem? (I know Hubbell recalled some commercial GFCI?s in July, but we never used them).
carl@houseofpower said:
We wire 1000-2000 houses a year. Last year we started using Hubbell's residential line of plugs and switches. We used them for about 3 months, installed them in over 400 houses. We had to stop using them because of an abnormally high failure rate.

Homeowners report switches that sizzle, crackle, make other noises, or simply stopped working. Has anybody else had this kind of problem? (I know Hubbell recalled some commercial GFCI’s in July, but we never used them).

Did you return them to the manufacture for inspection, and replacement costs? Yiu did say they were Hubbell, we have had problems with other brands, but not the hubbell resi line.
Sounds like you have a serious installer problem. Me strong like bull
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I always think of Hubbell in the commercial market and have never seen their resi devices. P&S is what we use here and I have had few problems with them. P&S devices with Lutron switches.
I used some of the Hubbell resi stuff that I got in a sample kit. I thought they were pretty good quality. I guess not.

That's the only experience I've had with them, I use P&S.


Maybe there were not really Hubbell, but counterfeits. I received an e-mail from Seimens yesterday wanting me to take a survey about counterfeit breakers. And if I was one of the first 100 to respond I would receive a free Nascar hat. WooOpie!
Maybe they were Hubell switches and receptacles.Alot of conterfeit stuff out their right now so if you ordered from one of the cataloge suppliers you may not get the real thing.I use the P&S brand I love to hand a P&S recep to a customer along with a cooper recep from the box store usually seals the deal and sends the hacks down the road.
Rewire said:
I use the P&S brand I love to hand a P&S recep to a customer along with a cooper recep from the box store usually seals the deal and sends the hacks down the road.

I like P&S myself but I don't think it's any better than the Cooper stuff. In fact, it's just about the same. How much of a quality difference are you going to have between $.35 receptacles? :confused:
Hubbell was always the 'gold standard' in my orbit. The government could not name 'Hubbell' in their specs, but they always smiled (on our submittals) when we named Hubbell.

Only Hubbells that failed were the ones we broke on install. (yes, it did happen on occasion).

Guess everyone can have a bad batch once in a while. Haven't seen Hubbell lately, don't suppose they are now 'hechoed in China' do you?
It makes a difference . . .

Best Wishes Everyone
I've used the sample pack of the Hubbell "Home Select" devices they sent me. I thought they were pretty good, but I didn't like the cover plates. They were junk. I stomped on a switch and a receptacle, and they wouldn't break. I thought that if I ever quit using P&S Trademaster, I would pick Hubbell Home Select as my second choice.
To sitcom ? probably not an installer problem; we have lots of installers, and it doesn?t seem to matter which one of them did it. We?ve been in contact with the manufacturer, even sent them a few failures, but no response yet.

To Dennis Alwon ? we always used P & S and are back to them now. Never a problem.

To ItsHot ? very unlikely to be counterfeits, as they were purchased from Graybar

To everybody else ? I just can?t believe that we?re the only ones out there to experience this kind of a failure rate
never had any problem with anything made by hubbel (never knew they made residential stuff) we only use hubbel sometime tho, cause prices usually premium

I betcha you got the chinese hubbel. who is the supplier ?
Dennis Alwon said:
P&S devices with Lutron switches.

I use P&S everything, and Lutron dimmers. I've never used their switches, other than the Maestro Electronic switch for flourescents. I have never used Hubbell resi items, but it is surprising to me they have this problem.
carl@houseofpower said:
To everybody else ? I just can?t believe that we?re the only ones out there to experience this kind of a failure rate

I had a high failure rate w/ P&S 3-way switches, about 10%, and no one in this forum had any problems like mine. I was using leviton exclusively and was only trying P&S out on a few houses. That was a few months ago, but I've now switched over to P&S and haven't had the problem again.

It was a pleasure talking with you today. I don't believe we have yet heard from anyone here who has used the quantity of Hubble residential devices that you have.

That being said, I suppose that it is possible that you got a real bad batch of them, and others here were served up devices from other manufactured lots.

Are these switches the standard toggle switches, or the decora style? Or both? And finally, are the problems limited to single poles or are they spread out to include 3-ways as well?

Best regards,

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