I'd like to know the following information about arc flash which I didn't learn much in engineering in college.
In youtube video about it which I watched a lot. I learn it has 4 times the temperature of the sun. It can explode with energy of grenade. What started as a small millimeter arc can cause chain reaction that can blow the electrician meters away.
2. Should there be certain humidity or air particles before it can cause continuous chain reaction? What must be present together for something like in the video above to happen? Does it happen in typical home panels?
3. The energy can vaporize metal and surrounding material. Have they integrated this into some kind of weapon? I mean. I just want to know the principles of it and by understanding how they can engineer it at will.. understand more about arc flash.
4. Who has experienced arc flash? How big or small is it?
5. Generally. I'd like to understand the exact process or science whereby the surrounding air becomes ionized enough for millimeter arc (between two conductors very close by) to become meters wide arc flash (like what is the fuel for it). What would stop it from chain reacting into the entire room or bigger arc flash and blast?
6. To what extend can AFCI breakers prevent it or limit the intensity? Like make it 20% only or half the intensity or totally prevent it?
Thank you.
In youtube video about it which I watched a lot. I learn it has 4 times the temperature of the sun. It can explode with energy of grenade. What started as a small millimeter arc can cause chain reaction that can blow the electrician meters away.
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1. Does all arcing do this? what is the threshold voltage and current before it can reach more than the temperature of the sun?
2. Should there be certain humidity or air particles before it can cause continuous chain reaction? What must be present together for something like in the video above to happen? Does it happen in typical home panels?
3. The energy can vaporize metal and surrounding material. Have they integrated this into some kind of weapon? I mean. I just want to know the principles of it and by understanding how they can engineer it at will.. understand more about arc flash.
4. Who has experienced arc flash? How big or small is it?
5. Generally. I'd like to understand the exact process or science whereby the surrounding air becomes ionized enough for millimeter arc (between two conductors very close by) to become meters wide arc flash (like what is the fuel for it). What would stop it from chain reacting into the entire room or bigger arc flash and blast?
6. To what extend can AFCI breakers prevent it or limit the intensity? Like make it 20% only or half the intensity or totally prevent it?
Thank you.
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