Meter local inspector ul listing

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Naples FL
Electrical contractor
I had to raise a meter main that was below flood due to electrical inspector passing the meter main below flood level. I was not the original EC. I was tasked to do a generator and noticed the meter main below flood. Obviously when I went to pull the permit that became an issue for the generator and all the equipment had to be raised up. On the installation day the inspector came out to do the inspection and said that I was not allowed to punch the top of the meter . The inspector now wants me to provide a letter From manufacturer to the city Saying this is allowed. I installed utilizing Myers hubs. Anybody's take on this would be helpful.


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I think that is bogus. Ask him what Myers hubs are for then. Perhaps a better approach would be to point out that meter sockets and cabinets fall under the same code article. There is a chance he could be calling it a 110.3(B) - some of the sockets I use have a diagram for conductor routing. I did get called for this same thing once but by the Poco inspector not the AHJ.
I had to raise a meter main that was below flood due to electrical inspector passing the meter main below flood level. I was not the original EC. I was tasked to do a generator and noticed the meter main below flood. Obviously when I went to pull the permit that became an issue for the generator and all the equipment had to be raised up. On the installation day the inspector came out to do the inspection and said that I was not allowed to punch the top of the meter . The inspector now wants me to provide a letter From manufacturer to the city Saying this is allowed. I installed utilizing Myers hubs. Anybody's take on this would be helpful.

In this case it would seem that nothing but the response from the Manufacturer of the Meter/main is going to matter.

Inspector is not citing the routing of the wire it is a basic 320 continuous meter the routing is not described. What he is citing is the possible ul listing By punching the top of the meter as opposed to the hub. My argument is I did nothing wrong out of the code , and also wired it utilizing the proper sealing methods into a nema 3r cabinet. I am working on getting a letter from the manufacturer. I just don’t think that they should make me prove my innocence based on a hunch that it shouldn’t be done. Professionalism would dictate that they provide me with a code article for his reasoning.
I think that is bogus. Ask him what Myers hubs are for then. Perhaps a better approach would be to point out that meter sockets and cabinets fall under the same code article. There is a chance he could be calling it a 110.3(B) - some of the sockets I use have a diagram for conductor routing. I did get called for this same thing once but by the Poco inspector not the AHJ.
I agree with you 100%. I used a listed connector and seal with my installation. He is making me prove my innocence based on a hunch.
The inspector would need to cite a code section. If 110.3(B) was cited, I would have the spec sheet and ask what instructions I am Not following.

I understand that, but, I don't think telling this inspector "cause they told me I could on an electrical forum" is going to help him in any way.

If the inspector did indicate a specific code that the OP violated maybe we could chime in on if we felt he was correct or not.

Otherwise the OP is going to have to work this out with the inspector or his superior if it should come to that.

I understand that, but, I don't think telling this inspector "cause they told me I could on an electrical forum" is going to help him in any way.

If the inspector did indicate a specific code that the OP violated maybe we could chime in on if we felt he was correct or not.

Otherwise the OP is going to have to work this out with the inspector or his superior if it should come to that.

Thanks you’re correct he has not cited a code article . I think he’s intending 110.3 b . I guess my question is does anyone has any experience and perhaps some documentation from any meter manufacturer on my type of install. I feel it’s going to be very difficult for me to garner such a letter from manufacturer. Thank you for all your responses so far .
I understand that, but, I don't think telling this inspector "cause they told me I could on an electrical forum" is going to help him in any way.


I'm pretty sure the OP knows enough to not say what you have in quotes. He would point to the things tom and I have mentioned: cabinets and meter enclosures are in the same article and cabinets are punched all the time, some meters and cabinets do not have ko's, the reference in 312 mentioning entries above live parts to be rated for wet locations, lack of any prohibition in literature on entry locations........

I agree it can be difficult to have a discussion with someone who doesn't understand the basics of how the code works ("where does it say you can do that?").
n the west we use all in ones and they have entries in the top. I wonder what this inspector thinks punch kits are for?

I once had a inspector tell me I needed a bushing in my factory overhead hub.

It takes all kinds.
He would point to the things tom and I have mentioned: cabinets and meter enclosures are in the same article and cabinets are punched all the time,

Which are all response derived from a Code Forum.

If the inspector is hung up on not being able to use Myers Hubs as an acceptable means, he's probably not going to understand any explanation to the contrary.

All I'm saying is the OP's probably not going to be able to get any type of literature from the Meter manufacturer to allow it.
With an inspector that can't come up with a code section that this violates it's going to come down to the OP and the inspector coming to an agreement between themselves regardless of what we might suggest.

All I'm saying is the OP's probably not going to be able to get any type of literature from the Meter manufacturer to allow it.
With an inspector that can't come up with a code section that this violates it's going to come down to the OP and the inspector coming to an agreement between themselves regardless of what we might suggest.

Or will involve inspector's superior, unless this is a city inspector and there is no higher position to appeal to, then you must get other electrical professionals on your side, especially if there are frequent incidents where the guy likes to make his own code.
Or will involve inspector's superior, unless this is a city inspector and there is no higher position to appeal to, then you must get other electrical professionals on your side, especially if there are frequent incidents where the guy likes to make his own code.


I did get a letter today from the manufacturer’s representative showing the email chain with the Model number with my supplier asking the question based on my installation method. The manufactures representative said he spoke with the manufacturer and they found no fault of what I did. I gave the email chain to the head electrical inspector, and he still did not except it. He is looking for a direct letter from Siemens. Hopefully my next step I am able to get that letter.On a sidenote I already have gone to the superior authority. This is their stance standing behind the inspector at this time.
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