Caution: do not try this at home, hah!

Simply replaces the old hairpin thru pencil eraser trick of the 1940's and 50's.
Then insert into outlet, and see if you can modulate insertion timing so you get a red hot hairpin before the fuse blows. Early education in pulse width modulation, but we did not know the term PWM back then.
In pre-teen, advanced to HV overhead line fireworks. 3 nuts (or old spark plugs even more appropriate) tied to 3 pieces of 20 AWG bare bell wire and make a bolo. Throw that at HV lines and get some nice fireworks.

On the west coast here, every once in awhile one sees a pair of old tennis shoes hanging from HV line, never have figured out what the deal is with those ??
Wonder what Gar did as a kid, eh?
Another trick was to push a sharpened paper clip thru a shotgun shell (they were cardboard vs. plastic back then). Paper clip impedance plus a 30 foot 16 AWG extension cord were just right to not blow the fuse or CB but get paperclip hot enough to set off the shell. Neighborhood saw their lights dim slightly, followed by a 'boom'. My mother DID NOT LIKE that trick.