As you found we do not have virtual metering in Ohio, and to my knowledge it is not legal to sub-meter tenants in a commercial building from a single service. But what we commonly do have in Ohio for commercial and industrial customers is demand charges, which may or may not currently apply to the building you are describing. If there are kW demand charges, then there is no practical way to sub-meter that, even if you could pursue sub-metering the kWh usage by changing to a single service and installing CT's on feeders to each individual customer. What might be legal, not sure, is to change the lease agreement for the tenants to state that electric is included in the lease, with the stipulation that there is some schedule of annual kWh usage included, and if their usage is below it, they get a certain amount of lease credit, and if their usage is above it, they pay a certain additional fee. If this is indeed legal, the complication is you would need to set those thresholds without knowing how much a tenant will use, and if there are demand charges for the service from the utility, this would complicate things enough to make it not feasible. There is a community solar bill being worked on in Ohio, and if it passes and does not contain any poison pills that render it useless, that might be your solution, to install solar on the common roof and sell subscriptions to each tenant. Of course, the demand charge issue still potentially could make this less desirable.