What do you look like . . . again?

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Senior Member
We had this thread a long time ago and I would like to fire it up again. Please post a fresh photo of yourself if you feel inclined to do so. Maybe your real name to go with your pseudonym.

This is a photo of me standing in front of the Rhine Falls in Germany. :smile:
"Live View"

"Live View"


I set up and took this photo for a "Digital Photography Challenge" for which the theme was "multiple-image self-portraits." It didn't win; I can't imagine why. :roll: I was hoping for a least a sympathy vote or two. After all, would you want to have to look at THAT all day long? :wink: :grin:

I just realized one oddity about my having posted this particular photo today. Perhaps it was synchronicity that "the other Charlie" started this thread today. The shirt combination that I wore when I took this photo (series of photos, actually) three months ago, a combination that I seldom wear to the office (blue long sleeve shirt over yellow Notre Dame tee shirt), is exactly the same combination that I am wearing as I type this message. Gotta go out and buy a lottery ticket, I suppose.
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Inspectorcliff said:
:wink: Maybe in the mountains?:cool:
you got it. I go there with my wife and her family every year for the Highland games. Her family is Scotish so we do a few differant games a year. I love Colorado. Beautifull state and great people.
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