I recall Ed MacLarren posting the calcs for 2 circuits , and the Vd for a 3wire MWBC was less than for 2 circuits with seperate noodles.
This was what he posted:
In diagram "B" - Shouldn't the arrows next to the 60 and 20 be reversed??? I always thought that electrical waves reacted similar to waves behind your boat when you are turning tight circles.
Sometimes they double their size, and other times they cancel out (pulling youngsters on a tube is one of my favorite hobbies)_ I've always wanted to get three boat drivers going in a circle (like a three phase motor ) to see what would happen??? Then run the tuberider/victim through the apex of waves. My unofficial record in getting a fatboy-little brother- over 12ft high
back to the subject --- in diagram B -- at the neutral point after load "A" and load "B" where there would be a wire-nut, 20 amps would 'magically disappear' or cancel out???? Similar to water waves cancelling out at the point of impact???
Electrical theory 101
Chemistry 101--- electrons -- valance ion travel from atom to atom valance
simliar to asteroids being moved from one ring to the other on the rings of Saturn(s)
Electronics 101-- Direct current -electrons move from holes in one substrate to other holes in another substate --similar to marbles on a chinese checkers
Electrical tramsmission theory 101---"ELECTRICTY" moves along the outside(rim) of wires, The ring theory , it is similar tolooking at a bullseye the greater the amperage, the bigger the rings on the bullseye ( a tic-tracer detects at the amplitude (rings)of Electomagnetic force).
Electrician apprentice training 101--- voltage = hurts amperage=death
LIGHTNING theory 101--- Electricity travels from the sky to the Earth
Motor theory 101 --If you wind a copper wire around a metal shaft energy is tranfered to rotating motion??? (I still haven't figgured-out how a transformer doesn't blow up as soon as you energize it???) just because you wind copper around steel it becomes "magnetic" and prevents direct phase to phase contact-- don't ask-just accecpt it - it works??
After years of -education, practically knowledge, experience, multi-discipline studies, personal arc-flash studies, many budweisers later---------
I HAVE A ------ UNIFIED---- THEORY of explaining electricty
The world SUCKS