Power factor correction experiment

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Senior Member
Ann Arbor, Michigan
111003-2016 EDT

I am working on a set of notes on Electrical Energy Measurement, Conservation, & Methods to Reduce Your Electric Bill. To try to illustrate to readers that power factor correction black boxes are probably useless to the average residential customer I have run the experiment that follows. This is based on the type of demonstration shown in the fraudulent advertizments.

It is probably correct to say that virtually no residential customer in the US pays a penalty for poor power factor. Thus, power factor correction is of no value to the customer.

The experiment uses an old Montgomery Ward Powercraft 1/3 HP 115 V motor. Rated at 60 Hz and 5.9 A . Note: At an output of 1/3 HP this equates to 249 W of output. The input power to the motor is 249 W plus all motor losses.

To make these measurements the supply voltage must be accurately controlled. Initially I tried using a constant voltage transformer as the supply. Note this primarily only regulates relative to incoming line voltage changes. Unfortunately it adds a lot of source impedance. Much being inductance. So I still have to adjust the output voltage manually for load changes. Using a constant voltage transformer actually created more problems than working directly from the line, and so it was not used.

My line voltage is moderately stable for short times so it was workable to just work from the line directly. However, this does not change the fact that load changes require manual voltage adjustment. I used a Variac (actually a Powerstat) and a buck transformer with a maximum output of 9 V for voltage adjustment. I was able to hold closer than 0.1 V. When capacitor power factor correction is performed there is a lot of input current ringing, whether with the buck voltage or directly from the line. The ringing does not appear to have had a negative effect on the results.

A Kill-A-Watt 4460 EZ was used for power, voltage, current, and power factor measurement. I was hoping to show that power input actually increases with the addition of the power factor correction. My measurements tend to show this, but accuracy is not sufficiently good to serve as proof. Above about 0.9 A the power resolution is 1 W.

The motor tested would be described as a split-phase type and has no run capacitor. Therefore unloaded power factor is quite bad.

When the sales people that push power factor correction on residential customers do a presentation they use an unloaded motor and measure current and not power. That is where the Kill-A-Watt meter is to their advantage because its name implies measurement of power, which it can do, but they use the current range, and the measurement being made is in tiny print. The sales pitch shows a large reduction in the displayed number (current) when the power factor correction capacitor is paralleled with the motor.

I used high quality metal film Polypropylene capacitors for my test. The test was in 30 mfd increments and at one point a 12.5 mfd was added and used to get close to 100% correction.

30 mfd at 60 Hz is 88.4 ohms, 60 mfd is 44.2 ohms, 90 mfd is 29.5 ohms, 102.5 mfd is 25.9 ohms, and 120 mfd is 22.1 ohms. I have just used the nominal capacitance and I did not measure the capacitors capacitance. At 117 V the corresponding capacitor currents are calculated to be 1.32, 2,65, 3.97, 4.52, and 5.29 amperes.

Actual measured currents were 1.33, 2.66, 4.00, 4.53, and 5.33 . The capacitor power dissipations were 1, 2, 2, 3, and 3 watts. At these current levels the power is quantized in 1 W increments.

As a first approximation an equivalent circuit for the motor at constant voltage and no external mechanical load can be considered as an ideal inductor in parallel with a resistance.

A no load measurement on the motor at 117 V produced readings of 4.71 A, 140 W, 552 VA, and 0.25 PF.
From this we can calculate the inductive and resistive currents. Iresistor = 140/117 = 1.197 A. Then the inductive current is sq-root of (4.71^2 - 1.197^2) = 4.555 A.

Thus, 90 mfd under corrects, 102.5 mfd almost corrects, and 120 mfd over corrects.

[FONT=Courier New]The results are:

Voltage  Capacitance  Input Current  Input Watts   Input VoltAmp    Power Factor

117.0         0            4.71          140            552            0.25
117.0        30            3.44          141            400            0.34
117.0        60            2.30          141            270            0.52
117.0        90            1.45          142            168            0.83
117.0       102.5          1.33          142            158            0.90
117.0       120            1.58          143            185            0.78

We can assume as the correction capacitance is increased that the motor power should not change because there is no change in the motor voltage or load. Thus, the increase in the input power is a result of the increase in capacitor power dissipation. Measurement error of the Kill-A-Watt prevents us from getting a more accurate correlation between the capacitors alone, and the capacitors plus motor.

We see minimum current and maximum power factor at the near 100% correction point as would be expected.

For a residential customer at this time a power factor correction capacitor at the main panel will not reduce the electric bill, but actually minutely increases the bill. Demonstrable by this data.

Now suppose this motor was fully loaded. I will assume 85% efficiency for the added power at the input from the mechanical load to make full power output, and no power factor correction. This means add 249/0.85 = 293 W to the unloaded motor losses. If this is done and the inductive component is assumed constant, then the input current would be about the combination of 4.555 inductive and (293+140)/117 = 3.701 resistive, or a line current of 5.87 A. That is close to what the motor was rated at. The full load power factor would be about 407/(117*5.73) = 0.59. It would still take the same amount of capacitance to compensate the inductive component.

The four 30 mfd 370 VAC 60 Hz capacitors plus shipping cost $59.30 . These were imports vs US made.

It should be noted that a capacitor run single phase motor has a much better power factor than a single coil induction motor. The unloaded and un-corrected power factor of my capacitor run drill press motor is 0.51 .

111003-2016 EDT

I am working on a set of notes on Electrical Energy Measurement, Conservation, & Methods to Reduce Your Electric Bill. To try to illustrate to readers that power factor correction black boxes are probably useless to the average residential customer I have run the experiment that follows. This is based on the type of demonstration shown in the fraudulent advertizments.

It is probably correct to say that virtually no residential customer in the US pays a penalty for poor power factor. Thus, power factor correction is of no value to the customer.

The experiment uses an old Montgomery Ward Powercraft 1/3 HP 115 V motor. Rated at 60 Hz and 5.9 A . Note: At an output of 1/3 HP this equates to 249 W of output. The input power to the motor is 249 W plus all motor losses.

To make these measurements the supply voltage must be accurately controlled. Initially I tried using a constant voltage transformer as the supply. Note this primarily only regulates relative to incoming line voltage changes. Unfortunately it adds a lot of source impedance. Much being inductance. So I still have to adjust the output voltage manually for load changes. Using a constant voltage transformer actually created more problems than working directly from the line, and so it was not used.

My line voltage is moderately stable for short times so it was workable to just work from the line directly. However, this does not change the fact that load changes require manual voltage adjustment. I used a Variac (actually a Powerstat) and a buck transformer with a maximum output of 9 V for voltage adjustment. I was able to hold closer than 0.1 V. When capacitor power factor correction is performed there is a lot of input current ringing, whether with the buck voltage or directly from the line. The ringing does not appear to have had a negative effect on the results.

A Kill-A-Watt 4460 EZ was used for power, voltage, current, and power factor measurement. I was hoping to show that power input actually increases with the addition of the power factor correction. My measurements tend to show this, but accuracy is not sufficiently good to serve as proof. Above about 0.9 A the power resolution is 1 W.

The motor tested would be described as a split-phase type and has no run capacitor. Therefore unloaded power factor is quite bad.

When the sales people that push power factor correction on residential customers do a presentation they use an unloaded motor and measure current and not power. That is where the Kill-A-Watt meter is to their advantage because its name implies measurement of power, which it can do, but they use the current range, and the measurement being made is in tiny print. The sales pitch shows a large reduction in the displayed number (current) when the power factor correction capacitor is paralleled with the motor.

I used high quality metal film Polypropylene capacitors for my test. The test was in 30 mfd increments and at one point a 12.5 mfd was added and used to get close to 100% correction.

30 mfd at 60 Hz is 88.4 ohms, 60 mfd is 44.2 ohms, 90 mfd is 29.5 ohms, 102.5 mfd is 25.9 ohms, and 120 mfd is 22.1 ohms. I have just used the nominal capacitance and I did not measure the capacitors capacitance. At 117 V the corresponding capacitor currents are calculated to be 1.32, 2,65, 3.97, 4.52, and 5.29 amperes.

Actual measured currents were 1.33, 2.66, 4.00, 4.53, and 5.33 . The capacitor power dissipations were 1, 2, 2, 3, and 3 watts. At these current levels the power is quantized in 1 W increments.

As a first approximation an equivalent circuit for the motor at constant voltage and no external mechanical load can be considered as an ideal inductor in parallel with a resistance.

A no load measurement on the motor at 117 V produced readings of 4.71 A, 140 W, 552 VA, and 0.25 PF.
From this we can calculate the inductive and resistive currents. Iresistor = 140/117 = 1.197 A. Then the inductive current is sq-root of (4.71^2 - 1.197^2) = 4.555 A.

Thus, 90 mfd under corrects, 102.5 mfd almost corrects, and 120 mfd over corrects.

[FONT=Courier New]The results are:

Voltage  Capacitance  Input Current  Input Watts   Input VoltAmp    Power Factor

117.0         0            4.71          140            552            0.25
117.0        30            3.44          141            400            0.34
117.0        60            2.30          141            270            0.52
117.0        90            1.45          142            168            0.83
117.0       102.5          1.33          142            158            0.90
117.0       120            1.58          143            185            0.78

We can assume as the correction capacitance is increased that the motor power should not change because there is no change in the motor voltage or load. Thus, the increase in the input power is a result of the increase in capacitor power dissipation. Measurement error of the Kill-A-Watt prevents us from getting a more accurate correlation between the capacitors alone, and the capacitors plus motor.

We see minimum current and maximum power factor at the near 100% correction point as would be expected.

For a residential customer at this time a power factor correction capacitor at the main panel will not reduce the electric bill, but actually minutely increases the bill. Demonstrable by this data.

Now suppose this motor was fully loaded. I will assume 85% efficiency for the added power at the input from the mechanical load to make full power output, and no power factor correction. This means add 249/0.85 = 293 W to the unloaded motor losses. If this is done and the inductive component is assumed constant, then the input current would be about the combination of 4.555 inductive and (293+140)/117 = 3.701 resistive, or a line current of 5.87 A. That is close to what the motor was rated at. The full load power factor would be about 407/(117*5.73) = 0.59. It would still take the same amount of capacitance to compensate the inductive component.

The four 30 mfd 370 VAC 60 Hz capacitors plus shipping cost $59.30 . These were imports vs US made.

It should be noted that a capacitor run single phase motor has a much better power factor than a single coil induction motor. The unloaded and un-corrected power factor of my capacitor run drill press motor is 0.51 .


A few questions.
1)The internal power loss of polypropylene capacitor is in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 watt/KVAr.Was the accuracy of the measuring meter used suitable for this?
2)Why was the power loss in the connecting wires from the service to the motor,which usually have a considerable length in actual conditions not taken into account?
A few questions.
1)The internal power loss of polypropylene capacitor is in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 watt/KVAr.Was the accuracy of the measuring meter used suitable for this?
Those losses would be a further reason to dismiss the scam "power saving" devices.

2)Why was the power loss in the connecting wires from the service to the motor,which usually have a considerable length in actual conditions not taken into account?
Gar did mention residential at the outset. Ordinarily, residential would not conjure up images of considerable distances. Unless you are fortunate enough to live in somewhere like that big building at the end of The Mall...:p
111003-2016 EDT

I am working on a set of notes on Electrical Energy Measurement, Conservation, & Methods to Reduce Your Electric Bill. To try to illustrate to readers that power factor correction black boxes are probably useless to the average residential customer I have run the experiment that follows. This is based on the type of demonstration shown in the fraudulent advertizments.

It is probably correct to say that virtually no residential customer in the US pays a penalty for poor power factor. Thus, power factor correction is of no value to the customer.
Hi Gar
I did a similar investigation about three years ago. I drew similar conclusions - not that I expect to find otherwise.
"The maximum difference observed over 30 minute periods was 0.01 kWh regardless of whether the device was switched in or out."
The last digit.....

And here's a downer....
The unit resulted in very distorted current with some horrible resonances. In part, at least, this a result of residential supplies not being a good clean undistorted sine wave. I've come across this a few times. Lots of electronic stuff, innocuous as individual loads, but in aggregate from lots of residences, not so. Connecting "naked" capacitors to that isn't an altogether smart thing to do.
Those losses would be a further reason to dismiss the scam "power saving" devices.
This was not additional loss.But it was the loss discussed in the study.

Gar did mention residential at the outset. Ordinarily, residential would not conjure up images of considerable distances. Unless you are fortunate enough to live in somewhere like that big building at the end of The Mall...:p
He spoke of only small power loss due to installation of capacitor.This loss may be compensated by the reduction of loss in the connecting wires to the motor.By calculating the payback period,the economic viability may be ascertained.
Have you considered the effects of a standard "whole house" TVSS unit in addition to or instead of the snake oil unit?

What effects, if any, does this wrench have on the machinery?
And here's a downer....
The unit resulted in very distorted current with some horrible resonances. In part, at least, this a result of residential supplies not being a good clean undistorted sine wave. I've come across this a few times. Lots of electronic stuff, innocuous as individual loads, but in aggregate from lots of residences, not so. Connecting "naked" capacitors to that isn't an altogether smart thing to do.

This may be your personal experience.Support it with statistics such as how many capacitors installed,how many failed etc.,
111104-0731 EDT

T.M.Haja Sahib:

Yes, the instrument used, the Kill-A-Watt, is potentially inaccurate at these low power levels and with a highly reactive current. That I did mention. And I did indicate that the results can not be used as proof, but they do indicate what I would expect.

You may not be familiar with the scam to which I am referring. In this case the sales pitch puts the power factor correction black box at the residential main panel. Thus, only a short distance of fairly large wire between the meter and the PF capacitor. Further the PF capacitor is always connected. I am also guessing the scam box may contain two capacitors, each about 100 mfd, and a couple of MOVs.

These things are sold for about $400 and add to this the installation cost. There is negative payback for the customer. There is no power saving, but actually a very small increase in power consumed.

111104-0731 EDT

T.M.Haja Sahib:

Yes, the instrument used, the Kill-A-Watt, is potentially inaccurate at these low power levels and with a highly reactive current. That I did mention. And I did indicate that the results can not be used as proof, but they do indicate what I would expect.

You may not be familiar with the scam to which I am referring. In this case the sales pitch puts the power factor correction black box at the residential main panel. Thus, only a short distance of fairly large wire between the meter and the PF capacitor. Further the PF capacitor is always connected. I am also guessing the scam box may contain two capacitors, each about 100 mfd, and a couple of MOVs.

These things are sold for about $400 and add to this the installation cost. There is negative payback for the customer. There is no power saving, but actually a very small increase in power consumed.


What prevents us or the sale companies involved to conduct a study to find whether there is really any economic benefit by providing a capacitor at a suitable location in a residence?
It seems all are out to play games with one another.
What prevents us or the sale companies involved to conduct a study to find whether there is really any economic benefit by providing a capacitor at a suitable location in a residence?
It seems all are out to play games with one another.

It is a game. Studies have been done by many. The companies that claim to have a product that saves lots of $$$ are never willing to reveal study results, or what they do reveal doesn't add up to those that understand electrical theory.
I once saw one of these scammers publish a white paper they had commissioned from a respectable university. Their hubris was such that they must have assumed that nobody would actually read it, because in it, the university testing clearly showed basically what gar has just demonstrated! The thing showed either no kW savings, on in one sample, ADDITIONAL kW consumption when the capacitor was turned on in the test circuit! Yet the scammer still used the self same study conclusions on the reduction of CURRENT as their "proof".

Hubris is another tactic of these people. They believe, and probably rightly so, that most people will read something like that and have no idea what they just read. But they will apparently ASSume that the mfr (er, scammer) would not publish contradictory data, so they buy into the original false conclusion put forth in the beginning.
111104-1123 EDT

T.M.Haja Sahib:

With the equipment I have available I tried an alternative way(s) to to measure the ESR of the capacitors I used. For those that do not recognize ESR, it is an acronym for Equivalent Series Resistance of a capacitor.

I tested one 30 mfd capacitor on a GR 1650 bridge at 1 kHz. The result was very close to 30 mfd and 0.026 for D. From D = 0.026 and XC = 88 ohms I get ESR = 2.3 ohms. I could not excite the bridge at 60 Hz and get any meaningful reading of D. The second test was to measure the voltage and current at the series resonant frequency of the capacitor, about 35 kHz. The result about 0.67 ohms. This produces a power dissipation, 1.2 W per 30 mfd, in the capacitor more in line with what I measured with the Kill-A-Watt.

Polypropylene is a good dielectric material, much better than the above D value, but capacitor construction will have a significant effect on ESR.

None of this means I have an accurate measure of the capacitor losses.

To take a whole house and try to evaluate the effect on energy cost by the use of a power factor correction capacitor makes no sense. Too many uncontrolled variables. The Internet is full of claims PFC capacitors make a big difference in this type of test. Keep in mind that all these installations put the PFC capacitor at the main panel.

111104-1028 EDT


I did this test because there have been a number of threads started by persons questioning whether they should sell or install these devices. I think it is important to provide some quantitative data to refute the fraudulent claims made by those companies trying to sell these devices.

I just now looked at a couple Internet sites and it seems the pitch may have changed a little. The demonstration is still the same, and the claim of up to 25% saving, but now they are a little more honest and refer to the change in amperes from their device in the demonstration. But their implication is that a reduction in current translates to a reduction in your electric bill.

Obviously up to includes 0. Does it also include a negative saving?

But they still make ridiculous claims for cost savings.

For reference again one site is:


I called them this morning. The box contains two 40 mfd capacitors, and I was told to refer to the specification sheet for the losses. The spec sheet does not indicate the capacitance, but it does indicate 0.5 watt per kVAR. My calculation puts the total loss at 0.2 W.

Keep in mind that all these installations put the PFC capacitor at the main panel
That's what makes most of this a deal killer, along with the size. What good are loss savings over 6 ft of entrance cable?

Even in industrial settings, I have found many times it is hard to get the economics to work, especially when there is no pf penalty and you are using loss savings alone in the benefit analysis. There usually is no "released capacity" that is going to bring a real benefit because they have no use for it as everything is already in place. Power factor correction at the load makes the best sense when the equipment is being installed.
This may be your personal experience.Support it with statistics such as how many capacitors installed,how many failed etc.,
I made no claim about failures but I'll come back to that.

Here's an actual waveform of current with the unit installed:

Not very nice.

OK. Capacitor failures that I said I'd come back to.
Quite some years ago I was commissioning some drives in a zinc mill in Turkey.
The main process at the site was a huge electrolytic rectifier. Supply voltage distortion was dreadful.
So, I'd got to the last drive. It was a 1250 kW reversing mill in it's own substation. In darkness.
I walked around the plant a bit to try to find light switches. On or off made no difference.
The lights were florescent fittings. Every single capacitor had failed.
111104-1123 EDT
To take a whole house and try to evaluate the effect on energy cost by the use of a power factor correction capacitor makes no sense. Too many uncontrolled variables. The Internet is full of claims PFC capacitors make a big difference in this type of test. Keep in mind that all these installations put the PFC capacitor at the main panel.
You take specific equipment such as pump motor in a residence connect suitable size capacitor across it and conduct your study.Repeat it for other equipment if possible and report your study for economic viability of providing a new PFC capacitor.That will settle the issue.
<br> Quite some years ago I was commissioning some drives in a zinc mill in Turkey.<br>
The main process at the site was a huge electrolytic rectifier. Supply voltage distortion was dreadful.<br>
So, I'd got to the last drive. It was a 1250 kW reversing mill in it's own substation. In darkness.<br>
I walked around the plant a bit to try to find light switches. On or off made no difference. <br>
The lights were florescent fittings. Every single capacitor had failed.
We are talking about installation of capacitor in a residence.You are talking about failure of capacitors in a Zinc mill.This is not relevant.
We are talking about installation of capacitor in a residence.You are talking about failure of capacitors in a Zinc mill.This is not relevant.
The common factor is harmonics. The horrible waveform I posted above (post #17) is, to a fairly large extent, a result of harmonics.
Domestic residences have numerous appliances that take non-linear loads. The non-linear loads result in voltage distortion. Harmonics.

Another story which I have given here before. We installed some variable speed drives in a pumping station. One of the requirements of the project was to measure harmonic distortion before and after installation of the new drives to ensure compliance with an agreed standard.
There were eight drives, none of them very large. The two largest units were 200kW, 12-pulse units

The station had its own 11kV/400V transformer so the point of common coupling (with other consumers) was at 11kV.
When I made the before and after harmonic measurements two things surprised me.
The first was that was no measurable difference between the. It made do difference whether the drives were running in any combination including all and none.
The second thing that surprised me even more was the voltage distortion was outside the compliance requirements before any of our drives were connected.
It made me wonder about the cause of this distortion. Often, such pumping stations are in residential areas and that was the case here. No other heavy users. The conclusion was that the domestic users were the cause. How? All the non-linear loads in aggregate.

Just as an example this is the current taken at my kWh meter with a load of about 0.9kW:


Mostly lights (some CFL, some incandescent), television, computers, probably a few chargers.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
So you can see that harmonics are quite prevalent on domestic supplies.
Not just zinc mills.
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