Materials List via excel or another spreadsheet development program

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I can appreciate the advice regarding giving a proposal or bidding a job and specifically using the most current pricing provided by a supplier.. I'm LOOKing to be able to send a seasoned technician out int the field with the resources to invoice and collect on sight. In order for this to be functional I will be giving them a price list for materials which we most commonly use in our areas. Does any one have a spreadsheet they would like to put on the market? The field of opportunity is vast for this type of product... suppliers only give me access to there data not a spread sheet. Most Company's like C2C Flat Rate Pricing, Mckormick systems, and visionsoft are very much what I need but I'm just starting out and really would benefit to pinch this penny for now..


Senior Member
Take 20 photographs of the most used by you contents at the Home Depot isles. Print them out and laminate, then put in a binder. Instant material pricing book. Now don't forget to charge large, and hurry it up. Won't take any time at all if you charge large to afford to get on the CS2 choo choo train.
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