Best study materials to learn major load calculations

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First, a bit of background - I am currently a WA sign admin and WA sign jm. I recently changed jobs and got hired by a maintenance company. We are looking to do both 07 and 01 work with possibly HVAC as well. It makes sense for someone to become a WA 01 admin to allow us to become an electrical contractor. Otherwise we would have to have a combined specialty license in 3 different categories! Once we are a contractor, we can hire 01 jm, 07 jm, and others to perform the various needs we have.

I am taking my 01 admin test this upcoming week. I passed my 04 admin and 04 jm - no problem. These are very similar to 01 tests, they just have about 10 less questions. I don't think I'll have a problem passing NEC/Theory and WAC sections; my main concern is major load calculations, some of the other threads mention this is very hard.

Does anyone recommend a book that both teaches and gives practice tests? I was originally looking for help online, but as I am under time constraints, I would rather make the purchase.

Please, I do not need all the master and admins in the world telling me how I am bad for the electrical industry. Our company has a very specific need, and we will not be doing anything to jeopardize electrical safety ANYWHERE!!! I understand my limitations, I really need to pass this more so we can hire the right type of people, and allow the people we already have to perform in their specialties.


Hurray - passed - 90%

Hurray - passed - 90%

I got a 94% on my NEC/theory; 84% on my WAC code; and 50% on my major load calculations. Scheduled to retake the 3rd test two weeks later. Passed with a 90%. I HIGHLY recommend Mike Holt's Exam Prep book. I would not have even gotten close to passing if it hadn't been for that book. If I would have actually studied for the test I probably would have passed the first time. Not only was it inctructional and informative, I was able to use it as a pattern for the test questions, just change the values.
Thank you Mike Holt. Also thank you to some of the posts and replies on the exam prep forum relating to Washington admin tests.
Isaac Duke.


New member
Question for IsaacDuke

Question for IsaacDuke

IssaacDuke: what book did you use from Mike Holt to pass major calc? I too got 50% on the calculation exam - would like to know what material you studied.
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