Old 3-wire Feed to Garage in Rigid Metallic Conduit?

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New User
Detroit, MI, USA
Switching out an old glass fuse sub panel in a garage that has a 3 wire feed from the house via underground metallic conduit. The new sub panel is directly attached to the conduit but the conduit at the house terminates into an old junction box right near the service entrance. Can this conduit be used as the ground by bonding a jumper between the conduit and the main breaker panel (i.e. In essence creating a 4 wire feed to the sub panel)? Or will the original 3 wire feed be "grandfathered" and as long as sub panel has grounding electrode (new ground rod) and neutrals isolated it should be accpetable to inspector? I always see mention of where "no metallic path exists between the two structures" but in this scenario I believe the underground conduit would be in conflict with this clause. I've yet to see what the requirement is when this condition exists.

Little Bill

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