Rough Electrical Inspection, what does that mean to me?

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New member
Marietta, GA
Hi all,
Project: Putting in a Sub Panel in my outdoor shed, running 40 amp service from my main box, under ground, to the shed.

I just got my permit for this, but since I have never actually gotten a permit for work, I'm not 100% certain of the process for getting ready for the "rough" inspection. Usually, if I'm just adding an outlet, I do the work and move on, so no permit necessary.

I assume that I'll need to do the following to the wires coming from the new sub panel: Condense my grounds down to a single lead (either with greenie wire nut or ground clips). Then for the Hots and Neutrals, pig-tail, then cap each pigtail individually and coil neatly in the boxes. Is this correct?

Additional question: for the rough inspection, what do I need to do with the circuit breaker in the main panel and the wire from the main panel to the new sub panel?

Additional Info: I'll be using #8 3 conductor with ground UF wire from the box to the panel in a 24 inch deep trench with conduit cover the entry and exit points. Overall distance is about 115 feet, so #8 is needed.

Dennis Alwon

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Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
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