Another outbuilding service cable sizing/type question.

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Based on my google searches, I feel like this question has been asked 100 times but I still can't seem to find a straight answer based on my situation. My former electrician who installed part of this setup has recently moved as well so I don't have a local contact right now I can trust for an answer or even to just hire for this.

I have a new wood shop that is nearing completion and am going to be installing a 100-amp panel in that building. It is about 75 ft from my the main house and I have a 2" conduit(underground) installed from the main panel that comes up through the concrete slab in a utility room in the shop directly beneath where the panel will be installed. The conduit terminates a few inches above the slab so I will need to install another conduit from there up into the surface mounted panel.

My former electrician installed a feed-through meter a few years ago when we upgraded the panel in the main house in anticipation of this new building. What wire would you guys recommend for this? I don't have a problem using aluminum wire but am not sure if 1/0-1/0-1/0-2 AL SER Cable is OK in an underground conduit, if 1/0 AL USE-2 Cable is OK between the conduit and panel, etc. My plan was to have the original electrician run the service cable and ground that panel and I would take care of everything downstream from the breakers but since he's moved, I'm thinking I'll just pull the wire myself. Everything WILL be inspected before closing the walls up and then again when everything is 100%.

Speaking of grounding, the concrete sub also brought a section of rebar for grounding up through the frost walls that that terminates a few inches above the slab inside a wall near the panel location. What type and gauge of wire do I need to ground the new panel to that rebar? It is probably about 10-15ft or so from the panel.


Dennis Alwon

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Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
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