wireless electricity a reality?

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Señor Member
Former Child
this was done by another company several months ago; there's a discussion on this board about it somewhere.

also, do a search on nikola tesla. he was experimenting with this back in his day. he did some awesome things.
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Senior Member
Northeastern PA
I believe Tesla's intention was to distribute electricity via the earth itself, according to a Modern Marvels show on the Discovery Channel.

One of the most interesting episodes I ever watched.



Senior Member
If you think people are paranoid about living in a home under a power line or talking for a long time on their cell phone near their head, wait until we magnetize the environment for this concept.
Tree huggers beware!


Senior Member
djohns6 said:
Tesla made Thomas Edison look like an amateur.
. . . and George Westinghouse took the argument out of the DC versus AC argument. I wonder why I represent the Edison Electric Institute instead of the Westinghouse Electric Institute? I am guessing the T. A. Edison was the better businessman. :smile:


Senior Member
charlie said:
. . . and George Westinghouse took the argument out of the DC versus AC argument. I wonder why I represent the Edison Electric Institute instead of the Westinghouse Electric Institute? I am guessing the T. A. Edison was the better businessman. :smile:

Tesla worked for Edison, He rebuilt and fixed Edison's entire lab for what was

suppose to be $50,000, when Tesla went to Edison to collect His due, Edison

said to him " I guess you don't understand American humor Mr. Tesla " and

didn't give Tesla anything. That is not a better businessman that is what I

would call a criminal. Edison also electrocuted animals in public with (teslas)

Westinghouse's AC current, to try and sell his safer DC.


Senior Member
ItsHot said:
Its the end of the trade as we know it! I guess we can still install devices!:grin:
I'll be dead before this happens, yet we don't need this to happen to go out of business!:cool:


Senior Member
Broward Co.
brantmacga said:
also, do a search on nikola tesla. he was experimenting with this back in his day. he did some awesome things.

In the movie 'The Prestige' there is a large focus on Tesla and when he does these experiments. Not sure how accurate it is, but about halfway into the movie they focus a good amount on Tesla and this concept. Good movie, worth checking out.


Senior Member
Jim W in Tampa said:
I hope nobody here really thinks this will replace power lines.While it can be done its not efficient and distance would be a limit.Wonder how we would meter it ?

With a wireless meter, of course.


Senior Member
This is a very inefficient way to transmit Electrical power today.But I think when nano technology really takes off we are going to maybe be able to get as much power from our low voltage as we do from our high voltage
we use today. Maybe eliminate electrocution all together.

Who knows we might even figure out another type of what we call electrical energy.Maybe next tens years or sooner.

Just my thoughts on the subject :)
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