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Senior Member
Has any one noticed that the grounded conductor in a meter enclosure appears to be corroded more than the ine wires.???

If so how would you explain it?
I suspect the grounded lug is a little cooler in the winter than the ungrounded lugs because the former is mounted directly to the metal enclosure, while the latter are mounted to thermally and electrically insulating plastic. As we know, cooler surfaces will collect moisture from condensation, which leads to corrosion.
Has any one noticed that the grounded conductor in a meter enclosure appears to be corroded more than the ine wires.???

If so how would you explain it?

Charlie, I see your from Ma. , land of the SEU cable. Many times the POA is higher than

the weatherhead and water will take the neutral conductor from the pole all the way to the

meter socket.
Is this phenomenum being noticed on both overhead and underground distribution systems?

If it's mostly on overhead, maybe water is coming in between the insulation and the conductor.

I was working in the room where the service entrance disconnect was located (CTs at the pole at the street). I noticed some staining that got me inspecting the disconnect. The store manager told me when it rained water dripped out of the disconnect. The service conductors left the disconnect underground to the overhead distribution system at the street. The neutral conductor did not have a drip loop and what appeared to be happening is water was entering the conductor and following it to the disconnect (the way the neutral was connected, the service entrance neutral was facing up at the connection point w/out a drip loop).
Wicking down seu is not uncommon most installers in this area will pack the wh with dux seal or silicon it seems to stop the deluge. water appears to be the most probable. earlydeans idear of condensate and moisture oints in that direction.

Thanks for the input
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