fastner or screw on main breaker

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Screw on the main breaker, or fastener??.some where in the code it says that you must have a screw on the main breaker.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


BTW I'm not screw'n around
It is a requirement for back-fed breakers (the section moved in 2008, due to a rewrite in the area, it used to be at 408.36 (F) in the 2005 :smile:)
110.12 Mechanical Execution of Work (B)

or look down to 110.14 (A) Terminals is really your anwser !

Doesn't seem to me that he's asking about either of those sections that you posted. :confused: The words "screw", "fastener" and "main breaker" would lead me to believe that he was looking for 408.36(D) as electricalperson posted.
Doesn't seem to me that he's asking about either of those sections that you posted. :confused: The words "screw", "fastener" and "main breaker" would lead me to believe that he was looking for 408.36(D) as electricalperson posted.

You are correct, I'm incorrect...
Screw on the main breaker, or fastener??.some where in the code it says that you must have a screw on the main breaker.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


BTW I'm not screw'n around

What about if it's part of a listed piece of equipment? Does 408.36(F) still apply?
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