Any well experts here?

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We have a sewer plant that uses well water for certain applications. The bladder type storage tanks need replacing and they want to install larger tanks. The well house is too small so they want to put them in a separate building 150' away.

Does the pressure switch for the pump need to be moved to the other building also? I have read somewhere a long time ago that the tanks need to be close to the pump and/or the pressure switch needs to be at the tanks. I hope not, my back is getting too old for digging.
For what it'sworth - I'd look for a phone number on the existing gear and see if tech support is good.
I have always installed my pumps, pressure switches and bladder tanks all in one location.

Will the pump be capable of pumping into the tanks at the new location? Is the elevation about the same at the other buildoing?
I believe the pressure switch will see the pressure drop between the location of the PS and the bladder tanks. Since the bladder tanks are 10' lower, the pressure drop should not be too bad, but the size of the line and the feet/second of flow will be determining factors.

You also did not say if they were running a water line just for the bladder tank only or if it is being installed into the existing water line. If it's being teed into the existing water line and the line is adequately sized for the usage I don't believe you will have any problems.
Not meaning to change the design of everything but installing a VFD on the pumps, assuming 3 phase, can change the pressure tank size considerably. Newer single phase pumps can be speed controlled with the same reduction in tank size.


The VFD will not determine the preasure of the system in this case. The distance between the location of pump in relation to the new tank, and friction losses in the water main will determine the head preasure of the system. The VFD can be used to maintain a pressure if you have a pressure transmitter with a PID controller. The size of the tank will be based on the need at the WWTF. I think a VFD would not benifit here, the OP is only filling a tank when low.

In regard to the pressure switch, it does not matter where the is on the water main as long as there is a check valve on the main to keep the water in it, so the pumps can turned based on low pressure (tank low).
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