i hate you, leviton.

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Señor Member
Former Child
awhile back, i posted about a problem with leviton almond colors not matching.

the issue still hasn't been resolved.

i've reordered twice, and got the same wrong color in twice.

i talked to leviton several times last week. during our last phone conversation, i made it clear that this was the end of it. if the wrong colors were sent again, i fully expected them of covering the costs to replace everything (ha ha).

the first time i talked to leviton, i was told they had a "bad run" of almond colors.

during the last call, the CSR said she finally remembered that leviton actually changed their almond color, and I needed something called "old almond".

so now it is supposedly being shipped to me from the only warehouse in the country that still has them in-stock.

which got me thinking; all of lutron's almond devices match leviton's "old almond" devices. we used several of their dimmers and fan-speed/dimmer combos on this job.

lutron sued leviton over their z-wave equipped vizia devices. leviton was supposedly in the works on a z-wave equipped acenti line, but that has been put on hold.

i'm curious if leviton changed their colors so that lutron devices would no longer match them, requiring you to buy leviton devices?
I have never heard anything good about almond devices. They are all a shade different between manufacturers, besides the obvious problems you are having.

Almond never caught on here, thankfully, so I almost never run into it.
what I wanted to know from them, is why they allowed different shades of what is supposed to be the same product to be sold together.

they couldn't give me an answer.

I think we all know what it is, so it doesn't matter.
I dont care for levitons colors, or the type of plastic they use for cover plates, the edges are all uneven and jagged, not to mention how if you over tighten the screw ever so slightly they crack.... I prefer Pass and Seymoure devices, and I especially like their "Light Almond", thier cover plates are somewhat flexible and i like the satin finish of the plastic.
I dont care for levitons colors, or the type of plastic they use for cover plates, the edges are all uneven and jagged, not to mention how if you over tighten the screw ever so slightly they crack.... I prefer Pass and Seymoure devices, and I especially like their "Light Almond", thier cover plates are somewhat flexible and i like the satin finish of the plastic.

I like P&S plates also.

I did a house for this customer last year and put P&S light almond. They wanted something different, and went with the leviton almond.

If I knew then . . . . .:roll:

This will be the last time though.
I have also found almond to be a giant pain in the rear. P&S I knew had a proprietary almond color. But it seems that other manufacturers have been "tweaking" their colors. About 2 1/2 years ago I had a job that the HO wanted almond. I am still driving around w/ those devices trying to find a home for the extras. I long for the days of white or ivory. Hopefully they will return soon. The almond thing doesn't seem to have got much traction.
Has anyone run across devices colored "taupe" at all? I saw some Cadet thermostats that color. Kind of a light gray-ish I think...

I didn't even know "taupe" was a word in the English language, much less a color. It's not in my crayon box.
Same Problem with Almond Plates

Same Problem with Almond Plates

We have had the same problem with several mfg's. We now charge an adder if customers want Almond instead of standard white or ivory. $3.00 a plate seemed to cover the extra labor required to change plates.

Around here the rage is "light Almond" from P & S which means no quick trip to the box store will save you. IMO LA is a very nice color though.
I have also found almond to be a giant pain in the rear. P&S I knew had a proprietary almond color. But it seems that other manufacturers have been "tweaking" their colors. About 2 1/2 years ago I had a job that the HO wanted almond. I am still driving around w/ those devices trying to find a home for the extras. I long for the days of white or ivory. Hopefully they will return soon. The almond thing doesn't seem to have got much traction.

I long for the days of only Ivory. I was only 18 then.
heres what i dont understand. they make an almond and a light almond color

i cant really see the difference between the light almond and regular almond.

i got a keychain from lutron with all kinds of colors for devices. anybody want turquoise receptacles?
I tried P&S devises on one job. I used them because at the time (10 years ago?) they had a plate with a matte finish. It looked great installed. Went back a year later, the plates above the kitchen counter were filthy. Maybe a poor ablcation on my part, but I would say it was a poor product.
Last job we trimmed they specified gray devices. Almost all of our jobs specify stainless steel cover plates. Other that that we use what ever is specified unless there is a special condition such as a red outlet.
Last job we trimmed they specified gray devices. Almost all of our jobs specify stainless steel cover plates. Other that that we use what ever is specified unless there is a special condition such as a red outlet.

I have one customer who always wants gray for his tennant spaces because it matches the rubber base molding in his buildings.
I think if the manufacturers dont get the colors compatible we are going to have to swear a fealty oath to only one brand and stick with it. Otherwise, its odds and ends left on the truck. Right now Im using levaton but If I get one box of almond marked ivory, Im going to switch to P & S.:cool:
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