things that make you go hmmm...

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Senior Member
Palm Bay, FL
Look what I found the other day in an old house. It's the main 50a fuse panel and look where it is...


Sorry about the phone
I just worked on and complained about one of those very recently. Except mine wasn't an ancient fuse panel, it was a brand spankin' new 200A BR panel. Built right into the back of the kitchen cabinet. Darn it, I wish I had taken a picture.

It was shameful. For whatever moron that installed it and also for whatever inspector that didn't call them on it.

Actually I doubt they even did any of that "technical" stuff like pulling a permit.
you know Pierre you are correct and what happens after the inspector is gone amazing sometimes. I think contractors actually plan it that way and it even involves effort to do it wrong.
How would you expect the inspector to catch this as he drives by in his car and honks. Do you really think inspectors get out and check things? Seriously, What we see and what gets done after we leave is amazing. Do just enough to get the sticker, than change it later seems to be happening more lately with the economy. I am not sure where some of these electrician come from, but the aluminum ladders on their trucks tell me an awful lot about thier practice.
How would you expect the inspector to catch this as he drives by in his car and honks. Do you really think inspectors get out and check things? Seriously, What we see and what gets done after we leave is amazing. Do just enough to get the sticker, than change it later seems to be happening more lately with the economy. I am not sure where some of these electrician come from, but the aluminum ladders on their trucks tell me an awful lot about thier practice.

Most of the time it has little or nothing to do with the EC at all...people, especially when they own the home, will do whatever they want to as soon as the inspection passes. And there is legally not a darn thing an inspector can do about it...until another permit is pulled and more work is done.

To me the blame rests squarely on the homeowner....
Reminds me of Dads house. It was built in the 50's I think. He wanted to put a window AC in his living room last year. I went in to the laundry room where the breaker box is to see if there was room for another breaker. Someone had installed a counter (before Dad bought the house) and it covered the bottom of the panel. I had to cut the counter to remove the cover.
Reminds me of Dads house. It was built in the 50's I think. He wanted to put a window AC in his living room last year. I went in to the laundry room where the breaker box is to see if there was room for another breaker. Someone had installed a counter (before Dad bought the house) and it covered the bottom of the panel. I had to cut the counter to remove the cover.

That is truly awesome. Even the most clueless HO should know better than that....:)
HMMMMM. You will never stop this. If I had to work in the panel, I would tell the HO that to do the work I must rip the cabinet off the wall and explain that they cannot have the cabinets installed there and describe the violation
If I had to work in the panel, I would tell the HO that to do the work I must rip the cabinet off the wall and explain that they cannot have the cabinets installed there and describe the violation
I would tell them that they need to "rip the cabinet off the wall." :cool:
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