210.52 (C) (2) question

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SLC James

I have a 10 inch space between a sink and back splash that raises up 4 inches to a 14 inch overhang on an island. I have one GFI on the left side of the island, and on the right side the 14 inch overhang continues so putting an outlet below it would be in conflict of 210.52 (C) (5) Exc. to (5). The inspector wants an outlet below this portion of the island, does the space required in 210.52 (C) (2) count just the main counter top or the counter top and bar portion?
Boy a picture is worth a thousand words. From what I gather you need an outlet to the right but putting it below an overhang of 14 inches would not satisfy the code.
i am actually getting a picture tonight for my boss to look at and if i can figure out how to post it i will. But as far as the outlet on the right is concerned, if he does end up wanting it, there is a drawer below the main counter top so adding it would put it 16" (top of box) below the overhang. My boss is suggesting a wire mould raceway out of the side of the cabinet up to a surface mounted box glued to the underside of the overhang, which i feel is still a violation,not to mention ugly on the side of a cabinet
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