Green lighting

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Thank you. I am trying to put together a package for some customers showing them the benefits and incentives for upgrading their existing lighting. We have several buildings here that wer built during the space race of the 1960's. Many still have basically the original lighting.
Thank you. I am trying to put together a package for some customers showing them the benefits and incentives for upgrading their existing lighting. We have several buildings here that wer built during the space race of the 1960's. Many still have basically the original lighting.


Also check with the local POCO they may have incentives not only for lighting but for motors, HVAC equip. etc. They typically have programs in place where they may do the evaluation at a cost, but it gets taken from the money saved on any upgrades to the facility.
We have several buildings here that wer built during the space race of the 1960's. Many still have basically the original lighting.

If they still have 1960s lighting you will be able to save them a ton of dough if you update the lighting and add occupancy sensor lighting controls.

I bet you can drop the lighting load to 1/3 of what it is now not including the occupancy sensors. I also agree about contacting the power co.
I thank each and every one of YA'LL (It's a southern thang) Green lighting has yet to catch on here with the exception of the new buildings. Like I said we are one of the bastions of technology yet we refuse to upgrade. I have installed Cray Mark V computers and all of their periphery in rooms that Von Braun himself designed.
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