Power Transformer PHYSICAL SIZES

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I am trying to physically size a 5mVA 33/11kV ONAN for an outdoor location in Nigeria, have searched all usual manufacturers but cannot get any online sizes-can anybody help ?
This is the closest I have, 33kV to 11kV will be a tough one to find but this should give you a general idea. Have you considered a cast coil unit? May be easier.

Nameplate Information

Phase 3
Frequency 60
Temp Rise 55
Class FOA
HV Conductor UN
LV Conductor UN
Impedance (%Z) 9.09
Gallons 1535
Fluid Status F
Mfg. Date 1972

Weights & Dimensions

A. Height 132"
B. Width 94"
C. Depth 101"
D. Footprint Width 93"
E. Footprint Depth 59"
F. FL - FL "
G. Radiator Depth - Front
H. Radiator Depth - Back
I. HV Bushing Height 132"
J. LV Bushing Height 127"
Overall Height 132"
Bushings are installed

Untanking Weight 11,400 lbs.
Tank and Fittings 8,900 lbs.
Fluid Weight 11,210 lbs.
Total Weight 31,510 lbs.
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