AFCI in bathroom question

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Coventry, RI
This one is mostly for you inspectors out there...I'd like to see what the consensus is before getting myself into a discussion with a brand new town inspector.

Does a dedicated 20A circuit supplying a heater in a bathroom heat/fan/light require arc fault protection?

210.12 (B) says that "all 120V, single phase, 15A and 20A branch circuits supplying outlets installed in dwelling unit family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, recreation rooms, closets, hallways, or similiar areas" need AFCI protection.

Seeing that "bathroom" isn't on that list, and that this is a single family home, I'm interpreting that rule as saying that I don't need the AFCI protection.

I hate to split hairs like this but every penny counts these days. I'd rather not have to pay for either an AFCI breaker or a callback.

Thanks in advance...
You are not splitting hairs-- no arc fault is required for anything in the bathroom. I don't need to be an inspector to answer that one.
I am an inspector and I agree with Dennis.:D

A bathroom is not listed in 210.12 so no AFCI protection is required.

Thanks to all who responded.

I figured that AFCI protection wasn't required, but I wanted to get other opinions first. Here's why:

1. We're dealing with a brand new inspector. Sometimes new guys like to prove a point (you all know what I mean).

2. I haven't done much resi work in the past few years, but lately we're taking on any job we can. In new resi constructions, the bath lights usually end up on the same circuit as bedrooms or living rooms, so the AFCI protection is automatic. I wasn't sure if a remodel fell under a different NEC article.

Thanks again. Every dollar saved counts for us.
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