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Senior Member
Hope this isn't off topic, but does anyone own the American Electricians Handbook? If so, what's your take on the information presented? I see it, look at it, then ignore it<--been doing this (ignoring) for over 8 years.
Hope this isn't off topic, but does anyone own the American Electricians Handbook? If so, what's your take on the information presented? I see it, look at it, then ignore it<--been doing this (ignoring) for over 8 years.

I have it, and check it out but it is too big and heavy to be a causul read. I can't say for sure I have every used anything I have read from it but I am still glad I have it.
I like reading books that make me better at what I do. I'm getting the idea that if nothing in this book is usable, then its useless to buy it ? (or is there something you find valuable in this book that you haven't said ?)
it is too big and heavy to be a causul read.

I'm sorry and feel free to delete this, but that is way to tempting.:D

I often casually read big heavy books while gardening or looking for the lid to my septic tank.

Chris, you are reading the NECH, the OP is asking about the "American Electricians Handbook". :smile:

We have a few editions at work.

I use the Am Elec HB frequently as an additional reference. The Information remains current and there is some history also. It is one of many books that may be used to clarify or discover. The reading is not that deep and it does not get into a lot of calculations as some engineering books do.
I use the Am Elec HB frequently as an additional reference. The Information remains current and there is some history also. It is one of many books that may be used to clarify or discover. The reading is not that deep and it does not get into a lot of calculations as some engineering books do.

I have the 11th (1981) and also use it for history and odd corners in things like motor controls. I especially like the hint on how make an emergency strain insulator by breaking the top out of a glass pin insulator with a screwdriver:grin:

/s/ Jim WIlliams
Hope this isn't off topic, but does anyone own the American Electricians Handbook? If so, what's your take on the information presented? I see it, look at it, then ignore it<--been doing this (ignoring) for over 8 years.

you must embrace the force :):
I have the tenth but have not felt the need to get a new edition. I have so many topic-specific resources, I forget that it is chock full of good info across a broad range of topics.
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