fluke 33x recall

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According to the webster dictionary. A "Fluke'' means stroke of luck.
So if you ever got it to work it's a stroke of luck.

Just kidding. Are they the yellow ones meters, or is that "Ideal"?
i just got it in a news letter and i didnt know about it and i own a fluke 337 and many other people do too.

if one person reads it that didnt know then i am happy :)

I have a 335.....it affects a lot of us....I just got the MH newsletter too and was going to post the info my self........but you and WirenutGP beat me to it:smile:

At least Fluke is very proactive with this kind of stuff. I still think there the best!
According to the webster dictionary. A "Fluke'' means stroke of luck.
So if you ever got it to work it's a stroke of luck.

Just kidding. Are they the yellow ones meters, or is that "Ideal"?

Yeah , It is serious bussiness. I should not have made light of it. That is our main tool, right?
I am starting to think that in addition to "Made in China" there should be printed, in large bright letters, "CAUTION - Use At Your Own Risk"

Sometimes words have a way of acquiring other meanings with time. Like Cadillac - maybe not much longer - became synonymous with the meaning of something luxurious and well made. "Made in China" is becoming to mean something cheap, unreliable an imitation of the 'original', etc.
After reading the other post on this yesterday, I called my coworkers that have this type meter. They told me the local supply house had the Fluke guy there last week checking them and he brought biscuits. They didn't tell me! I don't have one of the clamp types, but , I missed free food!
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