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Is there a way to install a dimmer into a 4-way switching system? There is (2) 3-ways and (1) 4-way switch. I have never ran into this situation, can anybody offer me advice.
Just replace one of the three way switches with a three way dimmer, the four way switch doesn't change anything as far as the operation of the dimmer is concerned.

I did that and as soon as I hit the 4-way it didnt work. I put the switch back in and it worked. I double checked wiring and it was right. Was the dimmer possibly bad?
I did that and as soon as I hit the 4-way it didnt work. I put the switch back in and it worked. I double checked wiring and it was right. Was the dimmer possibly bad?

A dimmer switch should operate the same as a 3 way switch. If you installed a dimmer and it didn't work then you have one of three problems. You wired it incorrectly, the dimmer is defective ( you did use a 3 way dimmer, correct), or you wired the 4 way incorrectly.
There are some three and four-way dimmers that will not function without matching dimmers in the other locations. IE-they will not work with standard switches in their circuit. And they are sold in groups--two three ways in a package and two three ways and a four way in a package.
I did that and as soon as I hit the 4-way it didnt work. I put the switch back in and it worked. I double checked wiring and it was right. Was the dimmer possibly bad?
Possible, or other possibities.

A 3-way dimmer should have one black and two red wires; the black is the common and the reds are the travelers. Sometimes, they make dimmers that can be used as SP or 3-way, and one of the travelers is yellow or another color.

Make sure you have the 4-way wired correctly: the two light terminals to one 3-way, and the two dark terminals to the other 3-way. I've seen even pro's mess them up by connecting one light and one dark to each 3-way's travelers.
Every time I put in a four-way they seem to be different. One time, the screws on each side will be a pair. Other times, the screws on top or bottom will be a pair.

I just check them all with my continuity meter now :mad:
Every time I put in a four-way they seem to be different. One time, the screws on each side will be a pair. Other times, the screws on top or bottom will be a pair.

I just check them all with my continuity meter now :mad:

That is due to the manufacturer. Some pair the travelers on the side (I think Leviton does), others on the ends (P&S).
Every time I put in a four-way they seem to be different. One time, the screws on each side will be a pair. Other times, the screws on top or bottom will be a pair.
Just as with 3-ways, you have to ignore the screw positioning. That depends on how the internal contacts are arranged.

The screw colors is all you have to worry about. Light screws to one 3-way, dark screws to the other.
Lutron has the Mistro that has a master and as many slaves as you want. It is decora style and only the master has indicator lights. They also had the same to fit a toggle plate. Think it was called the fadra but I never used them because it looked too small of a touch point.

Leviton has simular. The plus with leviton is the it comes with a few color face plates to choose from in the same box.

IMO they do take a bit more time to wire compaired to a standared 4 way. The it makes a difference what traveler gos on what screw. If both travilers are the same color such as in conduit then they would have to be figured out which one is which. If possable and your not familure with the leave em out until you test all of them.

A few years ago Lutron had a red, blue, and black wire. Got that down and they changed it up to one blue, black, and gold screw.
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