Vinyl siding guys - again

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I have heard that if a building permit is issued for vinyl siding in MA then an electrical permit must be issued because of this situation.

I am not sure if this is a MA requirement or just some towns, but it is a good idea
Classy .....

Usually around here they just pry them off and let them hang.

I think the meter can in the picture is recessed into the wall somewhat. I'm not sure why they did it this way but it would have been difficult to pry off.

Yes, they would normally just pry them loose and let them hang in this area. :D
This is an example of the HO not having any idea what they're getting when they hired the siding guy. I would think that most people would find this installation completely unacceptable if they knew a head of time what the finished product would look like.
I know of ONE siding contractor in my area that actually calls the POCO to float the meter can for him and then re-attach it when he's done.
I know of ONE siding contractor in my area that actually calls the POCO to float the meter can for him and then re-attach it when he's done.

I've never heard of that. Which POCO would actually do this? In my experience most POCO's don't get involved past the weatherhead.
I've never heard of that. Which POCO would actually do this? In my experience most POCO's don't get involved past the weatherhead.

PSE&G. Maybe he knows somebody there. The meter cans are locked (usually), so if he called me to deal with it I would be forced to do the same thing - call the power company. Maybe when they show up to open the enclosure he buys the guy a cup of coffee as he asks him to float the pan? I'm unsure.
growler said:
I think the meter can in the picture is recessed into the wall somewhat. I'm not sure why they did it this way but it would have been difficult to pry off.
Not sure what type of siding was underneath the vinyl but if you look at the w/p SER connector and realize that there just isn't that much play behind it, with respect to the meter can, then allow for the foam insulation that is tacked on the side before the vinyl goes on I would say that the can is not recessed into the original siding. But, obviously it's recessed into this siding job.:rolleyes:

Yes, they would normally just pry them loose and let them hang in this area.
For those siding contractors who "know what they're doing", "have done this many times before" and "are brave" this might be the case. But you know as well as I that doing so without removing the cover, pulling the meter and pulling out the mounting screws is more dangerous that one would think.

I recently pulled a meter can off for one siding contractor, left him an Arlington siding panel, asked him to mount it and I would be back to re-install the SER and meter can. When I got back to the job a few weeks later I found the meter can mounted to the wall with no back panel and all the SER strapped to the house. I immediately wrote a letter to the local inspector and filed a complaint. His reason for not using the siding panel - He wanted all the siding to be the same color.:confused: Go figure.
For those siding contractors who "know what they're doing", "have done this many times before" and "are brave" this might be the case. But you know as well as I that doing so without removing the cover, pulling the meter and pulling out the mounting screws is more dangerous that one would think.

I'm not at all for the way the siding guys do things but then again I'm not around when they are there. I just get a call to remount the meter can.

When you said the mounting screw are very near the live lugs you are correct. I normally tape the screws on the outside of the can so they can't fall in against the live lugs and then remove the meter and remount the can. I have told them it would be easier if they would just call and have the can removed but they don't tend to take advice very well.

What they do is very dangerous but I guess if you don't understand the risk it doesn't bother you very much. Ignorance is bliss. There is no way I would just pry a meter can loose with it live like they do.

The last siding guys I worked with were from West Virginia. The were 35-40 ft up working on pump scaffolding without a safety rail. They knew it was a safety violation and could be hazardous but they didn't care.

You will see the same mistakes all over the country because the sidding crews are just as likely to be from New York or California as to be local guys.
I know of ONE siding contractor in my area that actually calls the POCO to float the meter can for him and then re-attach it when he's done.

Here in Michigan you cannot get the the poco out for anything unless it's at the tap or upstream. They'll tell you that you're responsible for everything else. :smile:
I have heard that if a building permit is issued for vinyl siding in MA then an electrical permit must be issued because of this situation.

I am not sure if this is a MA requirement or just some towns, but it is a good idea

It is a MA requirement for sure. most towns will not issue the siding permit until the elec is issued.

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