Vinyl siding guys - again

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CMP does it that way in Maine. CMP are the only ones authorized to cut the seal.

I cut the seals all the time here in Michigan. Never had a problem or heard anything back ever. The utilities don't want to be bothered with trivial stuff.
As long as there are no discrepancies from the bill history the next time they read the meter they reseal it. :smile:
I cut the seals all the time here in Michigan. Never had a problem or heard anything back ever. The utilities don't want to be bothered with trivial stuff.
As long as there are no discrepancies from the bill history the next time they read the meter they reseal it. :smile:

Here it is, its a insurance thing. The power company says stay out. Its even in their standards book that CMP employees are the only ones allowed to cut a seal. A friend of mine got reamed out for pulling a meter at a home when the panel was letting the smoke out of it.
I pulled a meter this morning to find loose and crispy critter feeder wires. Think the power company would come help me out? :D
I know of ONE siding contractor in my area that actually calls the POCO to float the meter can for him and then re-attach it when he's done.

He's one in a million! And come to think of it it actually not only doesn't cost him anything it saves him time and improves his job.
What is this "nail plate" of which you speak? :D

As it looks as Sparky's not is a small usually rectangular 1/16" thick piece of steel with barbs on the corners you can hammer into wood. Or you can drill them and nail them into place over top of installed wires.

Some people make up there own, especially for different applications. Keeps people from driving nails, screws through electrical wires. :smile:
As it looks as Sparky's not is a small usually rectangular 1/16" thick piece of steel with barbs on the corners you can hammer into wood. Or you can drill them and nail them into place over top of installed wires.

Some people make up there own, especially for different applications. Keeps people from driving nails, screws through electrical wires. :smile:

Dreamsville you are exactly correct but judging by the happy face daleuger left, I think he was just kidding with 480 Sparky.
I cut the seals all the time here in Michigan. Never had a problem or heard anything back ever. The utilities don't want to be bothered with trivial stuff.
As long as there are no discrepancies from the bill history the next time they read the meter they reseal it. :smile:

Or not.

I am in Michigan too and Consumer's Energy just leaves them cut. The meter readers don't carry tags and tools with them, some of them are just kids working their way through college.

I would like to add a word of precaution. The steel wire they use for the tags is hard stuff and will damage cutters made for copper or soft metal.
Dreamsville you are exactly correct but judging by the happy face daleuger left, I think he was just kidding with 480 Sparky.

You know I wondered about that... but just in case...

Thanks KM8HZ, maybe thats why my dikes have grooves in them. :mad:
As it looks as Sparky's not is a small usually rectangular 1/16" thick piece of steel with barbs on the corners you can hammer into wood. Or you can drill them and nail them into place over top of installed wires.

Some people make up there own, especially for different applications. Keeps people from driving nails, screws through electrical wires. :smile:

Good to see sarcasm eludes you.
But there is a world of difference between TV and Telephone cables vs unprotected service cables.

Hey, I saw a few years ago where a Coaxial cable from a Local TV provider had melted the siding in a 4' radius of the demarc.


Something about a bad ground, the TV guys hit the spigot on the side of the house, anyone who works in the city knows the landlord cuts the pipe to the spigot so there are no car wash's going on.:grin:
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