Hidden camera outlets....

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Yeah, I guess they can make them that small But ---- So is the receptical also operational??? As you can plug stuff into it and have it provide power that is - not also operational as a camera.....

That's what I was wondering a few posts ago... but if you plug something in does it block the camera view?

And I bet that ugly receptacle thing would fit in fairly well with a surface WireMold installation or something.
I'm 99.9% sure it does not provide power.

I'm with Larry. I've looked at what's on the market for this sort of thing, and it seems that providing power through and in conjuction with a camera would be a problem for UL listing, and most manufacturers would stay away from such an animal for the multiple ways they could be liable if there were problems.

A hidden camera in a smoke detector or emergency light is not nearly as likely to cause trouble because once installed, these things are not subject to constant use and abuse.
I'll restate it here:

I didn't see in the article where the camera was installed in a receptacle. It was installed in the bathrooms of houses the guy was hired to do electrical work in. The camera could have been anywhere...... in the fake plant, in the exhaust fan grill, you let your imagination run.......
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