Electric Water Coolers

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New member
This may or may not be a silly question. Does an electric water cooler require a disconnect switch at the hard wired connection location?

thanks for your time and input
Well, since you actually did ask the question, that fact puts the question into the "not silly" catagory. :wink:

I would not put a local disconnect at a hard wired water cooler. It's not a motor, and I can't think of any other code section that would require a local disconnect.

Welcome to the forum.
An electric water fountain is an appliance and as such needs a disconnecting means in accordance with Part III of Article 422. Depending on the size of the compressor the overcurrent device most likely can be used as the disconnecting means and may or may not need to be lockable. Take a look at 422.31.

By the way welcome to the forum.:)

I have never seen a hard wired EDF, all have had Manf. instructions that show where the

recpt. has to be located. This will be the disco also.
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