just another day at the office...

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or not...

Got to do this today, basket hooked up to crane, go up ~ 100'

used this setup to tighten lightning rods on top of pole lts at shopping mall. (They had one fall off some years back and now maintence them)

beautiful day outside for it, check out the video!


For me that would not have been an I got to do.
That would have been an I was made to do! LOL
once i got to the light, it only took me 2 mins to tightin. Very quick. More time spent w/ setup and safety then actual work being performed.
once i got to the light, it only took me 2 mins to tightin. Very quick. More time spent w/ setup and safety then actual work being performed.

That sounds like a fun day.

have to do 25 total, got 17 done today ~ 6.5 hours
Lot was clear till 10 am or so. Crane operator was very good

Usually, mall operations will clear and block the lot when work like this is done. They don't want anyone else near you.

Two-way radio, or hand signals?
That sounds like a fun day.

Usually, mall operations will clear and block the lot when work like this is done. They don't want anyone else near you.

Two-way radio, or hand signals?

Mall operations was very helpful, they did not plan for it to go that quickly so we caught up to them (what they had coned off).

--- hand signals
Back in the 60's my dad worked for the old Tel-e-lect (before they became Simon-Telelect). I think he started out as a pseudo-engineer designing the Commander IA and II series aerial derricks. He later moved into sales and every week or two would bring home a new rig that he was going to drive out to a customer's site to show. Somewhere there is a picture from when I was 5 years old operating a digger derrick to put shrubs in the front yard with the pole auger. It's kind of funny, but I knew how to operate a digger derrick before I could ride a bike. :D

Well anyway, one time he brought home a 150 foot Hi-Ranger (or something like it?), and as was typical, gave us kids a ride before he left town with it. I was never afraid of heights until I got into that sucker--it scared the living crap out of me. I think I was curled up on the floor of the bucket once we hit 90 feet.:cool: I don't think I have been over 50 feet from that day on.

Edit: Oops. You have to realize this was back when I was only 10 years old. After a quick search on the internet, I am not sure the Hi-Ranger ever went to 150 feet. Maybe it did back then, but the highest I saw on the internet was 105 feet. I still think it may have been 150 feet, but just in case someone knows more about these than I remember, I want to hedge my bets a bit.
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A freind of mine is an Engineer for the Golden Gate bridge, he brought me and another guy up there to watch the Blue Angles a few years back - That was the highest I have ever been without climbing gear or a harness. Right at the top (~750') there is a small grate walk-way about 12" wide - my feet just fit on it, and a single piece of 1 1/2" angle iron as a railing. Under you - NOTHING! We were up there for several hours, and many times during that I kept re-realizing that I was white-knuckled and was loosing circulation in my hands - had to force myself to relax.
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