**Bumper Stickers Are In**

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George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
All right, so here's what to do. Look for your name in the lists below. (The list is the result of the poll.) It's alphabetical (with the exception of Jim Johnson).

In order to ease the load on any one moderator, we're splitting up the load.


1. Put a stamp on an envelope.

2. Write your name on the envelope, as both the sender and the recipient. That way, if any additional postage is owed, you pay the nickel.

3. Inside the flap of the envelope, write down the number of stickers you would like to receive.

4. Below that, write your screen name down, so we can check you off the list.

5. Fold this envelope in half, and stuff it into another envelope.

6. Write the address of the moderator you've been assigned to on the envelope, put a stamp on it, and stick it in the mail.

7. Resist the urge to stick cash in the envelope. It won't change a thing. (Well, Bob accepts bribes, but he's from MA, they are just kind of like that in that neck of the woods. :D) Moderators can dispense the stickers at their discretion, but everybody on this list will get at least one, if they mail in. With that in mind, we can't give everybody 25 of them.

8. Sit in front of your mailbox, without moving (not even for internet, food, water, or sanitary reasons), until the self-addressed-stamped-envelope you sent the moderator returns to you with stickers in it.

--------------Infinity's Portion------------
Any forum name that begins with a number or symbol thru to C (inclusive)
----------------Iwire's Portion-------------
From D-J (inclusive)
------------Charlie E's Portion----------
From H-N (inclusive)
--------------George's Portion-------------
From O-Z (inclusive)
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George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
I almost forgot - if you forgot to speak up, or the dog ate your laptop and you're not on the lists, PM me.

And a big thank you to Mike Holt, and Belynda Holt and her crew for making this happen. :cool:

Limited time offer. Some exclusions apply. Quantities limited. First Come First Served. No shirt, no shoes, no service. Offer not valid in Grand Duchy of East Fenwick. Void where prohibited. See dealer for details. For a mailing lasting longer than four hours, consult your physician.


Senior Member
new york
They will look great plastered across my belly as cows cant drive cars. When my farmer paints the word cow on me for huntimg season I will have to ask him no to get paint on the stickers. PS does Bob take credit cards??

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Quoque, ya goofball, you're on my list, not Bob's.

Why do I get the feeling Bob is going to get all the business? :D

Make sure you check the list for your name, and see who you're supposed to mail it to! :D

peter d

Senior Member
New England
Now I know where Bob lives! Nice! :D

Oh wait, I already knew where he lived before this. :)

I'll just stop by his house and pick up my stickers in person. :wink:
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