I just found both problems in a AFCI circuit, one in the panel and one was is a shared box!
Well two things your can try:
1. Is to make sure that your home run of the bedroom circuit is wired correctly that your hooking up in the panel!
For example opening panel, the neutral Circuit 7 was on 11, 11 was clearly landed on the Buss, so that was an easy find and Fix!
I didn't wire the panel, but I did do a little over-view and reminder to my co-workers how important it was to Label both the neutral and the hot's (period), this payed off! Granted this was a new install to 2008 Code!
2. That there is no shared neutral to another circuit! There's a slang term/saying for it, but can't just remember it this AM!

I believe they call it a wild leg neutral ? I don't practice that one day in and day out but the service guys know of it!
For example, the wiring was checked twice, circuits 1 and 11 was in a Home run box that we thought was in question, tracing and toning was rung out, and out of sight runs re-qualified. The fun thing we didn't find or open the panel first and even clearing/tracing 11 out and testing individual receptacles Isolated the breaker will hold until one plugs in anything!
It should be called Arc Fault Circuit Individual

and we should remember it that way as well!