underground wires by pool

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Albany NY
i have a customer who had a pool installed and the pool place put the pool to close to a conduit that runs under ground from the house to the garage. now section 680-10 says underground wires must be atl east 5 five from the edge of the pool but if space is limited they are allowed only to a minimum depth is met and are installed in a race way. well the conduit feeds the power to the garage that is run on a 50 amp sub panel. will my inspector give us a hard time and if so, could we use a 50 2pole gfi breaker to protect the wired underground and keep the pipe where it is
Well, we cannot tell you what your inspector will say but if there is no limited space involved then I would say you have to move the feeder to the garage. There is no except. of installing the feeder on a GFCI breaker
Welcome to the Forum.

What type of conduit and is it run all the way from one enclosure to the other?
Move the wire or move the pool. Your risking lives and your insurance, not your mistake so let them pay. They might have legal issue with pool company to move it free
680.10 Underground Wiring Location. Underground
wiring shall not be permitted under the pool or within the
area extending 1.5 m (5 ft) horizontally from the inside
wall of the pool unless this wiring is necessary to supply
pool equipment permitted by this article. Where space limitations
prevent wiring from being routed a distance 1.5 m
(5 ft) or more from the pool
, such wiring shall be permitted
where installed in complete raceway systems of rigid metal
conduit, intermediate metal conduit, or a nonmetallic raceway
system. All metal conduit shall be corrosion resistant
and suitable for the location. The minimum cover depth
shall be as given in Table 680.10.

Depends if limited space even comes into play for you. If their is not an issue of limited space then not sure how you can comply with 680.10 on your installation. Is your pool equipment supplied by the panel in the garage in question?...figured I would ask....
well the pool was placed close to the fence line. three feet to be excate. so the only way to move the feeders would be to dig a ditch on the other side of the pool and re do it. the home owners are hoping the inspector will not see it, but i dont want to take a chace . im not sure if when i call for the inspection tell the guy up front and save the home owners a wated fee or try and go with it.
680.10 Underground Wiring Location. Underground
wiring shall not be permitted under the pool or within the
area extending 1.5 m (5 ft) horizontally from the inside
wall of the pool unless this wiring is necessary to supply
pool equipment permitted by this article. Where space limitations
prevent wiring from being routed a distance 1.5 m
(5 ft) or more from the pool
, such wiring shall be permitted
where installed in complete raceway systems of rigid metal
conduit, intermediate metal conduit, or a nonmetallic raceway
system. All metal conduit shall be corrosion resistant
and suitable for the location. The minimum cover depth
shall be as given in Table 680.10.

I've never understood why they don't just say all u/g wiring within 5' must be in conduit.

Paul, it reads as though you're compliant. You're inspector is giving you a hard time because he can't comprehend the above text. The wording can seem to make a suggestion that isn't a requirement.

It should be re-worded.

I don't understand how these space limitations factor in; if its okay when there's not enough room, why isn't it always okay. If it were a true danger, I don't see how the CMP could allow the exception. Either it is a hazard or it is not. That's like saying, "we'd like you to drive 55mph, but if your foot is too heavy its perfectly acceptable to go 90mph."

If the fence is someone elses property line and it would appear to the inspector that the space is indeed limited then he should use judgement. In your statement I could possibly find MANY arguements to present to the inspector to allow this installation.

One of my proposals to the CMP was to alter 680.10 depth requirements but alas it will probably get shot down anyway.
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