Unfused Service entrance conductors

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New Jersey
Hello all What is the common length of unfused service entrance conductors allowed from a meter can to the panel on a residential dwelling? It was at one time no more than 18 inches. I am located in New Jersey and understand that the NEC does not specify the length and have left it for the JHA. What is the minumum height for the the location of the main breaker if its movement is from side to side?
The length of the service conductors will vary from place to place. In my area they want it as soon as possible. I can enter a building and LB down to a main panel in the basement but I cannot run to an adjacent wall unless it is in that first bay near where the conductors enter. I would check with the town or city you are working in.

Height -- look at 240.24
Hello all What is the common length of unfused service entrance conductors allowed from a meter can to the panel on a residential dwelling? It was at one time no more than 18 inches. I am located in New Jersey and understand that the NEC does not specify the length and have left it for the JHA. What is the minumum height for the the location of the main breaker if its movement is from side to side?

Why would breaker movement from side to side be any different than up and down?? both are the same hight.
Why would breaker movement from side to side be any different than up and down?? both are the same hight.

Well with an up and down breaker the handle would be higher when it's in the ON position. It's true that there is no set length that the conductors can enter the structure. If the aren't going to go straight in the just about the shortest distance possible you may have a problem depending on the inspector.
There are certain jurisdiction that require a disconnect on the exterior so I would definitely check it out with the AHJ
The length form the meter to the panel is not an issue. As long as you want pretty much. The issue is when the service conductors enter a building. That is not specified by the NEC in any set length. I've heard many say what they are allowed to do but I don't think I've ever seen anything in writing.
Well with an up and down breaker the handle would be higher when it's in the ON position. It's true that there is no set length that the conductors can enter the structure. If the aren't going to go straight in the just about the shortest distance possible you may have a problem depending on the inspector.

I'm to lazy to look it up, but common sence says center of the handle is the center of the handle sidewas or up and down.
I'm to lazy to look it up, but common sence says center of the handle is the center of the handle sidewas or up and down.

I looked it up:

240.24 Location in or on Premises.
(A) Accessibility. Overcurrent devices shall be readily accessible and shall be installed so that the center of the grip of the operating handle of the switch or circuit breaker, when in its highest position, is not more than 2.0 m (6 ft 7 in.) above the floor or working platform, unless one of the following applies:
In Richmond, VA we are directed by our CBO to allow 3' as the "nearest point of entrance" but many "codeists" feel the nearest point of entry is the point it comes through the wall thus making the service disconnect be either outside or directly back to back with where it enters the structure. Ironically, if the person does a Like-to-Like installation for what ever reason they could have lets for topic sake say 20' of unprotected SE Cable running through the dwelling and they would allow it to remain in place on a service change as long as it was a like-to-like installation. ( like-to-like = Not moving the panel location and not moving the meter location )

Personally I would like to see them upgrade it all and make it compliant but I dont make those policies ( yet anyway )

230.70 General. Means shall be provided to disconnect all
conductors in a building or other structure from the serviceentrance
(A) Location. The service disconnecting means shall be
installed in accordance with 230.70(A)(1), (A)(2), and

(1) Readily Accessible Location. The service disconnecting
means shall be installed at a readily accessible location
either outside of a building or structure or inside nearest the
point of entrance
of the service conductors.
First things first thank you all.
Now on to business as for handle movement it makes a difference, I understand what the max height is. I was looking for a minimum height that it can be located at.
As for unfused service conductors I do understand that no maximum distance is specified from the point of entrance of service conductors to a readily accessible location for the installation of a service disconnecting means. The authority enforcing this code has the responsibility for, and is charged with making the decision as to how far inside the building the service entrance conductors are allowed to travel to the main disconnecting means. This would be the JHA (just to keep it rolling) I have plans on checking with them

I was just checking to see if someone is or has worked in the area and might have had an answer.

Pierre C Belarge Quoted I know you guys in Jersey think your inspectors are 'backwards', I guess this is a Freudian slip.

Sorry on that error and I did have to simile about it, I'll blame that on tired and failure to proof read.
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