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can i take power from a hallway lighting circuit to feed a bathroom or bathrooms vanity lights

dwelling unit: you can feed bath lights, but not bath receptacle outlets.
non-dwelling unit: feed either
Augie where is it mention in the code about non-dwelling. I agree with you but I want to mark my book. I am reading in 210 but I don't see it. Its probably right in front my eyes but I don't see it. Thanks

Augie where is it mention in the code about non-dwelling. I agree with you but I want to mark my book. I am reading in 210 but I don't see it. Its probably right in front my eyes but I don't see it. Thanks


Only applies to dwelling unit bathrooms.

210.11(C)(3) Dwelling Units.
Bathroom Branch Circuits. In addition to the number of branch circuits required by other parts of this section, at least one 20-ampere branch circuit shall be provided to supply bathroom receptacle outlet(s). Such circuits shall have no other outlets.
Exception: Where the 20-ampere circuit supplies a single bathroom, outlets for other equipment within the same bathroom shall be permitted to be supplied in accordance with 210.23(A)(1) and (A)(2).
FPN: See Examples D1(a), D1(b), D2(b), and D4(a) in Annex D.
Infinity, I read that. 210.11C Dwelling units but what about non-dwelling. You mean if it doesn't mention it in dwelling units then it is Ok to do it in non-dwelling.
Infinity, I read that. 210.11C Dwelling units but what about non-dwelling. You mean if it doesn't mention it in dwelling units then it is Ok to do it in non-dwelling.

Yes, in a commercial building you can connect bathroom lighting and receptacles to other shared circuits or 15 amp circuits. Only dwelling units have the requirement for 20 amp circuits and the other restrictions outlined in 210.11(C)(3).
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