NEC 2008 Handbook program problem.

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Hey all this is the first time I have started a thread here.
For all that have the NEC 2008 handbook installed on your computer, do you have any problems with this program messing up your computer. I have a VERY expensive laptop, and a lot of very expensive software installed on it, and the only one that I have problems with is the NEC "Folio Views". Just wandering if any of you have the same issue, and if yes, what have you done to resolve them, if any? Thanks in advance.
Is this a real copy or one bought on Craigslist. I recall Celtic having problems with his '02 handbook and vista. Not sure what his resolve was.

I assume you know you can only have the copy installed on 2 computers.
I have the 2008 Handbook on 2 different laptops and haven't had any problem with the program.

I also have the 08 code book cd installed on both those laptops as well with no problems.

Have you contacted NFPA about the problems you are having?

It a real copy, I bought it with my handbook, ( I don't buy the code book anymore, just the handbook and handbook CD). I have a Dell precision M70 that I bought new 5 yrs ago. It's still one heck of a computer. It cost then over $5000.00. So I really can't see it being the computer not having enough power. Anyway, I've had several problems with it locking up my laptop. As I said before, I have several high dollar software programs on it and no problem out of any except this one, almost like a PDF reader, program. Who knows maybe it just don't taste good to her.:-? Its about time for a new laptop anyway, I think I'v got too much on this one anyway. I think I'll just retire her for PLC programming work since it has a real serial port and you can't get them on a laptop anymore. I want one with a 17" display on it anyway, I'v been looking at the Dell 6400 precision, but I think this time I'll buy at the outlet and save 1/2 price.:grin:
Oh, my computer runs XP professional, when I get a new computer it will have xp also. Most of my software will only work on xp right now.
Is this a real copy or one bought on Craigslist. I recall Celtic having problems with his '02 handbook and vista. Not sure what his resolve was.

I assume you know you can only have the copy installed on 2 computers.

My solution was to do nothing.
Apparently, FolioViews under the '02 NECH doesn't play well with Vista...which is just fine as NJ in now under the '08.
I may be buying the '08 NECH
That 2 install thing is for real, I had to do both installs on the same computer, my hard drive crashed once, a Microsoft update crashed my computer once and had to do a hard reset. I tried to reinstall software and it wouldn't, I called NFPA and they reset it right then and there, it reinstalled within 10 seconds. Great support.
Yes I have been posting a lot here lately, but, the other forum that I usually hang out on has gotten a little slow lately and there seems to be some very knowledgeable people that hangs out here. It seems like when I checked in here a long time ago that it was all about residential, not that there is anything wrong with that, its just not my cup of tea, but know there are some great conversations going on here and some really smart people. I never stop trying to learn from others. When you do stop, your in trouble.
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