Pay Rates in Construction Over 100K

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Sign me up for fashion designer. I believe many of them are self employed. The hard part is building a clientel that will pay your bill.

It's a bit deceptive in that some of the jobs they said min. 2 years college. Some of the other ones college would help you get in the door. Some like estomator or project manager takes experiance over a carear IMO.
Our city hired a firm to perform a wage survey of over 60 municipalities and county building departments around the state of Florida about 2 years ago.

According to the study, more than 50% of the Building Officials here in the state of Florida make 100k plus. (There are approx. 500 CBO's in Florida) Inspection Division Managers / Chief Inspectors / Chief Plans Examiners rake in 65k - 90k plus a year. Most inspectors and plans examiners start with a salary of not less than 35k and will range up to and over 70k.

You can't get rich working as a public servant, but the benefits are great, and you can make a good living if you work in a community with a decent amount of growth and development.
Truth is, i never made more than my foremen, but i spent my business money wisely on things that made my extra efforts in business WORTH WHILE !
"GOOD" service guts around here are making 85,000-115,000.

That does not include truck and benefits.

Me I make substantially less.
I don't want to sound arrogant, so please don't take this the wrong way, but I've never had no problem making that kind of money. The only thing I had to do was make my work my life, work seven days a week, and go where the money is, Its always been that simple. Heck, in my younger years I use to make 60 grand a year and only work half the year, and loved it. Then I got married and everything went to s#@$. Now, I'm at home with my own company barely scratching by. I'm going to give it one more year and if things don't pick up its back on the road for this old dog.
When guys ask what I make a year, I just tell them it's not how much you make it's how much you can save to reinvest. To me it doesn't make much sense if you make $100k a year and live pay to pay. Make $50k a year and being able to save $5k for an emergency is priceless.
When guys ask what I make a year, I just tell them it's not how much you make it's how much you can save to reinvest. To me it doesn't make much sense if you make $100k a year and live pay to pay. Make $50k a year and being able to save $5k for an emergency is priceless.

Oh yeah and lose 1/2 of it in one 3 month market nose dive
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