New Label -On GFCI Devices

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I received a phone call from an inspector in our area today.
Let me say that in our area, we are referencing the 2002 -for residential, and 2005 for other than residential.

He stated the GFCI receptacles being purchased now state not to be used in wet locations as per the 2008 NEC.

Since we are not referencing the 2008 NEC, I told him that there is no requirement for GFCIs to be listed as weather resistant, and the EC can use these in a bell box with an inuse cover located outside.

Does anyone else see this issue popping up in their jurisdiction?
......He stated the GFCI receptacles being purchased now state not to be used in wet locations as per the 2008 NEC...........

I can see what the manufacturer is doing... labeling non-WR GFIs to prevent their installation in places that are on the '08 and require WR in those locations.

I don't understand what your inspector is saying, however. Or why he's saying it at all.
NEC aside. Is this now a listing situation? If the manufacturer prohibits them from being installed in a wet location AND it is part of the listing I would say it matters not what NEC cycle you are on.

My guess is it's just labeled that way beacuse of the 2008 NEC requirements.
I understand it is a label.
My question, is anyone else in other jurisdictions that are not referencing the '08 yet seeing inspectors fail an installation where GFCIs not listed as weather resistant are installed?
I installed one last sat in a basement and it was a shot across the bow when I saw said sticker as to what is up on deck soon to be the norm. Expensive little critters they are.
NEC aside. Is this now a listing situation? If the manufacturer prohibits them from being installed in a wet location AND it is part of the listing I would say it matters not what NEC cycle you are on.

My guess is it's just labeled that way beacuse of the 2008 NEC requirements.

good call.

i haven't seen those. the AHJ's here aren't enforcing the weather resistant receps because no one is carrying them. i've done at least three jobs on the '08 that needed them. no one within 100 miles has them; inspector said don't worry about it. :-? (when i asked if he knew where to get them)
We are still on 2005, and have never had any inspector say boo about it, but I have also noticed the labels. Also in the printed directions found inside the Leviton boxes (I think it is the Leviton) it has discouraged installing the gfi devices outdoors for quite some years now. They suggest that the device is installed indoors, and the outdoor receptacle is load fed from it, thereby reducing lifespan problems from moisture intrusion into the box and device.
Good morning Pierre, I'm not at work today so I can't say for sure. I want to say $18 and change for the 20a. I'll post again tomorrow with the prices. Aside from that, I'd like to mention that was a classy thing to do at the meet and greet, meaning paying the tab for the guys, sorry I couldn't make it.
I have a box each of 15's and 20's TR WR at HD but I don't believe I've sold one yet.

Is the '08 NEC in effect there?

Here in MA we are under to '08 and have been for a year and a half. Big blue and orange both stock mainly non TR and WR receptacles. I don't understand. Everytime I go in there I tell them the receptacles are not legal for install in residential applications which is their core business. They look at me like I'm crazy.
Hey Scott, if I'm not mistaken NJ has recently adopted TR devices and Arc Faults and will be enforced in Oct. As far as your local HD carrying such items, is there anyone in your local HD electrical dept that knows what's going on? Only one other co-worker knows what a TR device is in my store. I'd like to say your store has them, let me know the zip and/or where your store is and I could check for you. Sometimes stuff like that lays up in the overhead for months at a time. The guys at night have no idea where to put the stuff and an uninspired clerk might not spent his energy trying to make room for them on the shelf.
Had I known I would have eaten ALOT more. ;) :grin:

I had a 22-24 oz steak and all the fixins', I don't think I could have eaten much more. :grin:

Thanks again Pierre.
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