Let me see if I can reduce your headspins:
The only reason that grounding any conductor of a system would even attempt to energize nearby earth would be if a different conductor of that system was grounded elsewhere, like by the POCO at the pole.
Since the boat's 440v system is not grounded, or hulled, and it has no neutral point to ground, none of its loads will be connected to the hull, as they're all powered line-to-line, whether they're 1ph or 3ph.
Since any land-based Delta supply also has no neutral to ground, and there's also no neutral point to ground, all the loads will likewise be connected line-to-line, whether they're 1ph or 3ph. Sound familiar yet?
Therefore, intentionally grounding any one conductor will have absolutely no effect on power consumption, fuel waste, or loss of electrical capacity. No normal load cares whether its supply conductors are grounded.
This might be an interesting read: