Fluke vs Megger

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Hello guys,

We are about of getting an insulator tester. Two models on the spot: Megger MIT 430 and Fluke 1587. Your suggestions and comments are appreciated.

They are both good--but Megger has been making insulation testers before Fluke was in business. The Megger product is made to last. My $.02.
ive used the 1587, it seemed to be a very good meter.
lts not just a megohm meter, it is pretty much a full blown multimeter with megohm capability
Don't go with the 1587 as a straight up IR tester. As stated, it's a full bore DMM and IR function with it. You'll have to post alot more questions before a more direct answer can be made. Megger is top notch in equipment, and so is Fluke, but you should be more specific in what you want and what you'll be using it for.
In the last two years I have replaced 4 or 5 M AVO Megger MITs (forget the exact model) that failed after 3 years. Some of my older AVO Meggers are 25 years old.
Don't go with the 1587 as a straight up IR tester. As stated, it's a full bore DMM and IR function with it. You'll have to post alot more questions before a more direct answer can be made. Megger is top notch in equipment, and so is Fluke, but you should be more specific in what you want and what you'll be using it for.

Insulation tester is intended to be used on:

- PQ Audits
- Troubleshooting in industrial plants
- Installation of power protection equipment (SPD, UPS, etc)

Budget for this equipment is about $ 900.00.

Insulation tester is intended to be used on:

- PQ Audits
- Troubleshooting in industrial plants
- Installation of power protection equipment (SPD, UPS, etc)

Budget for this equipment is about $ 900.00.


Electrical Preventative Maintenance and Testing
Acceptance Testing
Spot checking in fault conditions.
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