Smoke detector location

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Baltimore, MD
Could anyone tell me what kind of rooms are required to have smoke detectors and what NFPA code requires them? Are smoke detectors required in corridors, kitchens, etc?? are this requirements located in NFPA 1, 72, 101?

I am not sure if a can post this question in this forum. thanks for understanding.
You can find location requirements in nfpa 72. As far as residence I believe you are required to have one in every bedroom, hallways within 25' of every bedroom, at least 3' away from doorways to the kitchen, and one at the bottom and top of the stair landing, or within a certain distance. Out here in Colorado they started requireing carbon monoxide detectors as well in any new house being built and any house going up for sale has to be retrofitted with them also.
I am working on a fire alar system renovation for a very old school. it doesnt have any smoke detectors. i have been looking for requirements on what roomsshould have smoke detectors. i have looked at nfpa 72, 101 and 1 but i have not found anything saying "These are the rooms where smoke detectors are required..."

please help
Sorry, can't be much help. Don't have the knowledge I should with fire alarm system design. We just have a fire alarm contractor do the design and permitting and we install it. Haven't had an issue yet, but I need to research that area a little more.


It depends.
First you have to figure out which fire code is adopted. Just like building and electrical codes, there are several layers of AJH, state, county, city. And as a school, any district requirements and any other ammendments.
It will either be IFC, NFPA 1 (Uniform Fire Code), or NFPA 101.
The rooms that require a smoke detector depend on the occupancy and contruction type. There is no quick answer.

Is the building sprinkled?
Are there local ammendments?
How are smoke dampers controlled?
Are there door holds?
Is there an elevator?

All building I work on are sprinkled and therefore there are less requirements for smokes. Usually storage type rooms, elec rooms, data rooms, and interveining rooms at a minimum. Automatic detection is usually required in several areas, but a sprinkler head counts as an automatic detector.

BTW, NFPA states how to install a FA system, not when or where. The building and fire codes define that and reference 72 as how to.

For a school, sometimes corridors/halls may require it. So find out what code and year is being enforced. That should give you a good start. Notification is a bigger deal.
Here we don't inspect schools, that's done by the state and I don't know what codes they use. It would be best to find out who is the AHJ and check with them.

Also here we don't inspect fire alarm systems, that done by the FD.
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